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Mint-X-Mod (Cinnamon+GTK+Metacity)


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 67%
Mint-X-Mod (Cinnamon+GTK+Metacity)

Mint-X-Mod (Cinnamon+GTK+Metacity)

Mint-X-Mod (Cinnamon+GTK+Metacity)

Minimum required   GNOME 2.x
Downloads:  12434
Submitted:  Nov 15 2014
Updated:  Jun 14 2015


Dark version of Mint-X

- GTK3 and GTK2 codes were mod version of Mint-X theme from Qiana.
- Cinnamon code was a mod version of Linux Mint Cinnamon theme from Qiana.

Credit goes to original authors.

Tested on:
- Linux Mint 17.1 (Cinnamon)
- Linux Mint 17 (Cinnamon)
- Linux Mint 17 (Mate)
- Linux Mint 17 (Xfce)

To fix image dimensions text color in backgrounds settings

- Go to /usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/modules
- Open cs_backgrounds.py file and search for dimensions

For LM 17.1 users
- change color from #555555 to #ffffff (line 613 for my case)

For LM 17 users
- change color from #555555 to #ffffff (line 329 for my case)

Note: Please backup cs_backgrounds.py before you made any changes on it.

To install:
- Extract mint-x-mod-bundle.tar.gz
- Go to mint-x-mod-bundle folder
- Copy mint-x-mod and mint-x-mod-flat into /usr/share/themes folder


- improved gtk3 button border (flat)
- improved gtk3 entry border (flat)
- improved gtk3 toolbar border (flat)
- improved gtk3 tab border (flat)
- improved gtk3 button border
- improved gtk3 entry border
- improved gtk3 toolbar border
- improved gtk3 tab border

- improve GTK3 assets images for both themes
- improve GTK2 images to match GTK3 for both themes (this will definitely takes time)
- figure out on how to fix bug at chrome profile window (not sure what is the right keyword for it) as informed by freed00m

- added thumbnail for Metacity and GTK3 to display preview for new themes manager in LM 17.1

- fixed cinnamon window list item demands attention background color

- added flat mod (cinnamon/gtk3/gtk2)
- flattened button
- flattened scrollbar slider/through
- flattened toolbar
- flattened notebook
- flattened progress
- flattened gtk2 panel
- fixed toolbar button hover color (flat)
- fixed cinnamon toggle button (flat)
- fixed cinnamon switcher list selected box border color (flat)
- fixed cinnamon switcher list background color (flat)
- fixed cinnamon favorites button hover background color (flat)
- fixed cinnamon menu category button/app button hover background color (flat)
- fixed cinnamon on screen keyboard color (flat)
- fixed cinnamon switcher list selected button color (flat)
- fixed button focus border color

- fixed cinnamon section settings background/border color
- fixed cinnamon settings (main window) and backgrounds (wallpapers) bg/fg color.

- fixed gtk3/gtk2 column header hover color
- reverted gtk2 expanders color
- improved gtk3/gtk2 check-radio images
- fixed cinnamon on screen keyboard color
- fixed cinnamon menu border color
- fixed cinnamon menu slider color
- fixed cinnamon window list selected background
- fixed cinnamon notification background color
- fixed cinnamon LookingGlassDialog bg/fg color
- fixed cinnamon modal dialog border color
- fixed cinnamon switcher list selected box border color
- fixed cinnamon switcher list background color
- fixed cinnamon favorites button hover background color
- fixed cinnamon menu category button/app button hover background color
- fixed cinnamon desklet place holder background/border color

- fixed gtk3 toolbar background color
- fixed gtk3 column header background
- fixed gtk2 button hover backgroud color
- fixed gtk2/gtk3 notebook background/border color
- fixed gtk2 toolbar bottom line color
- fixed gtk2 expanders button color
- fixed gtk2 arrows color
- fixed gtk2 frame border color
- fixed xfwm4 color
- fixed metacity button color (mate)

- fixed gtk3/gtk2 active button/toggle border
- fixed gtk3/gtk2 active background color
- fixed gtk3 entry border
- fixed gtk3 switch through background
- fixed gtk2 checkbox background

- fixed mintmenu background color (mate)
- fixed metacity focus/unfocus text color (mate)
- fixed caja sidebar background color (mate)

- fixed gtk3 active button/toggle border
- fixed gtk2 combobox text color
- fixed gtk2 pathbar button border
- fixed cinnamon run dialog
- fixed cinnamon toggle button

- minor fixed, changed gtk2 insensitive button color.

- initial upload

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 Using on Linux Mint Mate 17.3

 by Turson on: Jul 26 2016
Score 50%

Hi looking Good. Great theme!!!. This can convert in Dark the Mate Menu Panel.
Maybe missing some input box that remains Gray (can be customized). I use Mint x-Mod theme with Dark userstyles Stylish on Firefox. Great combination!!!

I like the x-mod Flat buttons, but this alerts "?" logo, and their top window borders looking rare on my LM Mate. How does Fix it?
Well, now I chosed from Apparience the x-Mod window borders. Looks Good.

I saved the folders theme to /home/<username>/.themes folder.
Is this method different to saving to /usr/share/themes??

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