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LMDE Multi Colored Series


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 52%
LMDE Multi Colored Series

LMDE Multi Colored Series

LMDE Multi Colored Series

Downloads:  956
Submitted:  May 19 2011
Updated:  May 19 2011


This is a theme I made strictly for the LMDE, I tried something different this time, I made all the files transparent so the background will come through.
If you want to change it all you have to do is make two seamless tiles 30px x 30px replace the ones in the file and reboot the theme. I showed three samples of how this can look.
This is for dark color backgrounds only, I am making another one (same design) but so it fits better for light color backgrounds instead, I\'ll upload it as soon as I get it finished.
The wallpaper can be downloaded at:
It has all the files, gimp files and the seamless tile I made for that wallpaper so you cal also change it to your hearts desire.



I added the gimp files also for download for this theme that I made.
They can be downloaded here:

Changelog: May 19 2011
I added the light series as well to this file, it works the same as the dark except the highlights shadows and font colors are made for light colored backgrounds now, I added one sample to show you in the screenshots how the light colored version looks like with a light color pattern tile, you can of course change it to what ever color or pattern you want.
This one is complete now.
Unless theres bugs I don't know about of course :)

The dark series and the light series are now in one package, except the gimp files and the wallpaper just follow the links for those.

Thank you.

freely ya gets it, freely ya gives it, no copyright or selling allowed (as if you could make money from it anyhow Haw)

(LMDE Multi Colored Series)
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 by Ahmose on: May 19 2011
Score 63%

Very niice!
good work. <3

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 Re: Niice

 by samriggs on: May 19 2011
Score 50%

glad you like it, I'll be making a light series version for light color backgrounds as well soon.
Then if I have enough time I'll be making another theme where it'll hopefully include all the logos of the distros in the theme itself so folks can choose.

If it ain't broke don't fix it.
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 Fix for panel-bg no there

 by samriggs on: Jun 9 2011
Score 50%

Thanks to Pieter for pointing this out, it linked a pixmap that wasn't there on line 2073 of the gtk.
Just change that line to this:
file = "Buttons/button-insensitive.png"
And i will read the insensitive buttons in the buttons folder, since they are the same in the panel folder and button folder it makes no difference.
I am writting it here instead of doing an update because it is such a minor fix that its not worth putting my theme back up in the new list for this.
Just think its only fair to those putting up new themes.


If it ain't broke don't fix it.
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