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KillBang Wow!


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%
Dataveins Webmaster Services
KillBang Wow!

KillBang Wow!

Link:  Link
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  2847
Submitted:  Nov 7 2008
Updated:  Nov 14 2008


I was up late one night combining several themes together to make one large super theme. I started off with Mira, Dust, and Aurora Black Panther.

After another day, and endless tweaking, I created a whole new theme that rocks hard! I also removed all the elements from Dust.

This is a black, brushed metal theme with some cool gradients and shinyness. I tried to make it not "overdone".

This is my first attempt at a theme, so please leave plenty of feedback. Thanks!

sorry about the poor quality screenshots, 300k limit is kind of lame.

Also note, that the metacity theme is just LxG with a brushed metal skin instead of a glossy look. I will try to replace this when i get the time. It was merely what i was working with when i was trying to create this theme. His theme is here:

[EDIT] If you are going to rate this theme "bad", please give a valid reason. This way I can fix the bad parts to make this the greatest theme ever created!


v1.01 - Fixed check boxes and radio buttons

(KillBang Wow! (GTK + Metacity))
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 Wich GTK engine?

 by bigo72 on: Nov 15 2008
Score 50%

Gnome is asking me about a missing gtk engine, without telling me wich one....can you tell me, please?

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 Nice. ;)

 by Iqk on: Nov 15 2008
Score 50%

As beautiful motive on first time very.
It requires several corrections else, but it is fine.

Great work. ;]

I apologize for my weak english =D
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 Xfwm Version?

 by Wintervenom on: Nov 15 2008
Score 50%

This is one of the nicest themes I've seen so far.

Will there be a version of the window borders for Xfwm as well?

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 Very nice Theme

 by schollidesign on: Nov 15 2008
Score 50%

... for my notebook ;) But in Intrepid is a GTK-Engine Error-message. The second problem is that the Icons are in 16x16 in Nautilus and Firefox - I prefer 24x24 here ;) The Menu with 16x16 and System 24x24 is okay. Never mind: Thank you :)

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 Thanks guys...

 by darkmusic on: Nov 16 2008
Score 50%
Dataveins Webmaster Services

thanks for all the kind words...

this is my first theme and I started off just by making a hodgepodge of several other themes and combining them.

as i get better at this, a lot of the bugs will be fixed.

but i've been working a lot on my other theme called "KillBang Kazow!". if you like this theme, you might like that other one as well.

also, if you like my themes, please give me a higher rating. some jerkwads keep giving me a "bad" rating without even downloading the theme or commenting on what they don't like about it.

--steve (darkmusic.coolpage.biz)
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 by gitit20 on: Nov 26 2008
Score 50%
Royce Inc,

This is just the theme I have been looking for i been looking for a theme like this for a long time Thank you for all your hard work and please keep it up :P the icon set and pointer set I had did not seam to fit so I used an Icon set called hydroxygen also found on Gnome-Look.org and courser set (mouse pointer) Obsidian also found on gnome-look.org your theme works grate I had no prob getting it to work both with your theme and the icon and pointer sets I'm happy as a 6 year old with a sugar high...

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