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Human Elementary


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 62%
Human Elementary

Minimum required   GNOME 2.x
Downloads:  1047
Submitted:  Mar 15 2010


Version of the Human default theme with a pathbar in breadcrumbs style.

(Human Elementary Theme)
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Other  Artwork  from aegluin
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 by Vipan on: Mar 15 2010
Score 50%

The theme feels boring and pointless. Its positive that you tried tho.

I vote bad.Sorry.

Those who act will be seen by those who wait. When the sun rises here, it sets there. When we earn, they loose. The truth of the world.
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 Re: Boring

 by aegluin on: Mar 15 2010
Score 50%

Well, as I have stated, I did not claim that it looks much different from the default theme. I only added the breadcrumbs pathbar on request. I am not responsible for the boringness of Ubuntu karmic's default theme.

Please don't take your disappointment out on me but go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/

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 Re: Re: Boring

 by Vipan on: Mar 15 2010
Score 50%

It was a personal review of the whole thing. I did not mean it as a insult or bad thing.

That was my comment and i am not changing it, but i do apologies if i made you feel bad.

Never give up! Try again and again until you reach your goal! =)
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 Re: Boring

 by paul56 on: Mar 15 2010
Score 50%

@Vipan: You seem to be in general a bad-voter. It is unfair to call for "new themes" without contributing anything at all.

This user was so friendly not only to create some improvements for someone else, but also sharing it with all of us.

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 Re: Re: Boring

 by Vipan on: Mar 15 2010
Score 50%

I do have contributed so your accusation is not fair. But i have not uploaded any themes here, that is correct.

And i do have the right to "claim for new themes" as i am a user.

I generally vote good on themes, so that is not true. But i have decided to always leave a comment if i vote bad on something, i think its more fair.

I will not defend my opinions further.

Never give up! Try again and again until you reach your goal! =)
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 I like it :)

 by Farliec on: Mar 16 2010
Score 50%

Sometimes we only need few minor changes to really like an artwork :)

I like human theme, and I like breadcrumbs style, so it's perfect for me :)

Thank you to share it with us :)

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