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Golden XCursors 3D


X11 Mouse Theme

Score 67%
Golden XCursors 3D

Golden XCursors 3D

Link:  http://
Downloads:  27682
Submitted:  Mar 24 2003
Updated:  Jun 29 2003


A golden xcursors theme, modeled, animated and rendered in Blender3D. http://www.blender3d.org/

Copy the two folders 'Gold' and 'default' included in the archive to your ~/.icons dir and restart your XServer.

If you want to have bigger cursors, you have to create an .Xdefaults file in your home directory and insert the following two lines:

Xcursor.theme: Gold
Xcursor.size: 48

The default size is 32

You need XFree86 4.3 to use this.

That's it!

Note: If the animations are flickering on your nvidia card with the latest
driver, add the following line to your XF86Config file, into the nvidia
device section, to fix it:

Option "HWCursor" "off"

Thanks to Uga for his XCursors HowTo.


- added pirate
- a little less animation (requested)

- added smaller size
- modified text-cursor
- added some symlinks

- added 'fleur'
- slightly changes on some cursors
- added some symlinks

- added crossed circle
- added cross
- slighty changes on some cursors
- License is now LGPL

- added question-arrow

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 Strange problem

 by pods on: Dec 23 2003
Score 50%

I have a debian woody system running X4.3 and blackbox. When i use any of the XCursors 3D packages, my black box pager (bbpager) uses a vertical orientation when it has been configured to use a horizontal orientation. All other configurations seem to be right, including the colours and borders etc, only the orientation is being ignored.

Everything seems to work with cursors such as -> whiteglass redclass handheld and Crystalblue (i think thats it), which i downlaoded from this site. But for some reason my bbpager ignores its orientation or at least seems to when i use the Xcursors Blue, Gold and Silver.

Also, if i kill bbpager, su to root, and then run bbpager again, it seems to work for some reason. So maybe i've stuffed up the configuration of bbpager, but for some reason it only stuffs up on Xcursors so far, which is sad, because this is a sweet set of cursors :( :)

And its totaly confusing because i would have thought cursors have nothing to do with an external program. I just baffels me!

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 Re: Strange problem

 by pods on: Dec 23 2003
Score 50%


root can reporduce the erorr, all that is required is to make sure root is looking at one of the XCursor icons sets.

This works the other way. If you have X running, switch you'r user index.theme file to not look at an XCursor package, than bbpager works fine, with its horizontal orientation!

I'm thinking its either an X bug, bbpager bug or an XCursor bug. It does this with Xcursor so far, so it could be an Xcursor bug. I'll try some other icon sets.

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 mac version

 by durruti on: Jul 16 2005
Score 50%

Could you please make a mac version also? I just bought a mac, and it feels like a real downgrade to not be able to use these cursors.

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 Love your theme

 by johnnyg on: Jun 21 2009
Score 50%

I really love your work very original,I downloaded xgolden after seeing you also did xsilver (which is ultimate editions default pointer, great choice by theemahn!),but they are not the same,maybe you could update xgolden to be more like xsilver,adjustable,rolling pointer,easier insatll and such,just a thought,still great job !!!

Ultimate edition 2.2

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