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Dynamic Ubuntu Sun


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 63%
Dynamic Ubuntu Sun

Downloads:  476
Submitted:  Mar 9 2010
Updated:  Mar 22 2010


This is a version of Ubuntu Sun that changes depending on time of day.
It contains parts of Ubuntu Sun theme, Ubuntu Sun X theme and a script originally created for New Wave Chronos theme and adapted by me for Ubuntu Sun.


tar -xvf ./Dynamic_Ubuntu_Sun_0.2.tar.gz
cd ./Dynamic_Ubuntu_Sun_0.2
chmod +x ./installer.sh

Now, to automate the theme change, create a entry in gnome-session-properties
with following command:
"sh /home/your_username/.themes/Dynamic_Ubuntu_Sun.sh"

Now restart your session or press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace.


v 0.2
a small update of the script to make the theme change more accurate.
Now it changes with some seconds of delay instead of minutes.

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 Superb work!

 by JadedPhoenix on: Mar 10 2010
Score 50%
Saratov Linux Centre, Russia

Man this theme pack rocks!
Too rarely I've seen GTK themes different from Ubuntu's MacOS's or Windows'. This is one a very much interesting theme!
Which is more, my laptop looks are now tweaked according to the time of day! Man, I would vote +5 if I could.

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 by bubi on: Mar 11 2010
Score 50%

It would be even nicer if the theme would be automatically cahngable even WHILE you are logged in. How I understand it and experienced it, this script chooses a theme depending on the login time, but doesn't change anything if you are logged in for a whole day.
I would like it if it could change themes even while logged in, but I am not sure if it is possible...
A good idea, though. I rated it good.

Omnia sunt communia.
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 Re: Nice (bubi)

 by IDtucho on: Mar 12 2010
Score 50%

Bubi it changes automatically the themes while you are logged in but it doesn't have accuracy to change the theme in the right time, for example:
if your gnome session is started 2:51 pm(14:51) the script will verify every 1 hour the time and make changes if necessary. This means that theme will not change from day theme to dusk theme at 6:00pm(18:00) it only will change at 6:51.

Maybe you are confused because you didn't see the theme changing in the right time.

I'm modifying the script right now to make it more precise.

One question, did you create a entry on gnome-session-properties??

see ya!

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 Re: Re: Nice (bubi)

 by bubi on: Mar 15 2010
Score 50%

Yes, I did. But I guess I was too impatient... :-p Well, this explains it. Thank you.

Omnia sunt communia.
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 Little problem!

 by TheWiseDj on: Mar 25 2010
Score 50%

Nice work =D

I've taken your script and modified it to fit with my Chamelon theme, I'm trying to change the color of the metacity theme during the whole day (a change every 30 min).

The problem is, I think that is for the original script too, that if I've an open window and the metacity changes, the window displayed freeze so you have to minimize and maximize it to have it working again.

Any idea?

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 by bubi on: Oct 17 2011
Score 50%

It would be great to have a GTK3 port of this. :-)

Omnia sunt communia.
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