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GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 71%


Link:  http://
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  4883
Submitted:  Feb 8 2008
Updated:  Oct 19 2012


If you have libgtk2.0 - 2.12.9 or newer you don't need any patch for gtk2 engine

Same theme for Gtk3 avaylable there http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Clearlooks-flat-compact?content=154794

out of date information:
Compact theme for latest clearlooks engine from the SVN.

compiled engine for ubuntu gutsy available there _ftp://

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 tab question

 by bINX on: May 4 2009
Score 50%

I like your theme, but I was wondering if there is anyway to remove the line at the top of tabs?

If Windows crashes in the woods and nobody sees it. Does Microsoft still ignore it?
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 Re: tab question

 by linvinus on: Nov 10 2009
Score 50%

sorry i miss this message before.
about what line you are talking?

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 Re: Re: tab question

 by bINX on: Nov 21 2009
Score 50%

For instance, the tabs in firefox. The highlighted tab has a line just at the top that is the same color as the "Selected Items." I want to remove that line so that the highlighted tab is smooth and flush.

Everyone is marveling at windows 7. Didn't we have the ubuntu 7 versions like 3 years ago. Why is microsoft so far behind?
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 Re: Re: Re: tab question

 by krig on: Nov 26 2012
Score 50%

Open the .gtkrc file with gedit;
search for line:
style "clearlooks-notebook" = "clearlooks-default"
modify style like this:
style "clearlooks-notebook" = "clearlooks-default"
# bg[NORMAL] = "#efebe5"
# bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#efebe5"
bg[SELECTED] = @bg_color
Notice that a line is still present, because of clearlooks engine.

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 Dark edition

 by ua2fga on: Sep 22 2010
Score 50%

Is dark edition planned?

RLU #422810
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