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Black plastic 2


GTK 2.x Theme/Style

Score 72%
Black plastic 2

Black plastic 2

Black plastic 2

Link:  http://
Minimum required   GTK 2.x
Downloads:  10689
Submitted:  May 2 2008
Updated:  Jun 24 2008


Recommended > chose "show Icons only" in Toolbars!!
(adjust nautilus font sizes to get smooth transitions if needed)

*I use black-white_2-Gloss Icon theme for best appearance.

*Extract & replace user-home.png and gnome-fs-client.png in /home/./icons/scalable/places with extra Icons provided.

*Emerald/Metacity themes included


* adjusted colors, handles, spin buttons, check-box/radio buttons, "default" button, list headers, combo box, and arrows.
* Metacity theme added.
* Changed up the progress bars.
* Added new Carbon panel background.
* Icons for "home", "places" and "computer" included for menu to look uniform.
* Thanks to "TheRob" & "SkiesOfAzel" for the help.

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 great theme, but.......

 by DesolateOne on: Jul 2 2008
Score 50%

I cant seem to get the top bar on windows like the one in the pictures. The theme changes when i install it to /usr/share/themes, and select the theme from the user interface gui. But like I said nothing happens with the top bar on windows, I tried messing with the window manager, but the theme doesnt show up in there, any help guys, its like this for all themes.

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 Re: great theme, but.......

 by ixlam on: Jul 2 2008
Score 50%

Download and "Extract" the file to your Desktop, then drag the file> "Black PlasticV.2.tar.gz" into your theme Manager/Appearance.

You should install to /home/.themes
NOT your /usr/...

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 Re: Re: great theme, but......

 by DesolateOne on: Jul 3 2008
Score 50%

Ok, that doesn't work, cant drag and drop into user interface, or window manager. also there is no difference in putting the theme into /home/.themes, and /usr/share/themes, they don't work right in either.

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 Re: Re: Re: great theme, but......

 by ixlam on: Sep 4 2008
Score 50%

Make sure your distro is correctly installed and All-Systems are GO first...
NO One else seems to have the problems you are having.

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 the foot???

 by miguelinuxer on: Jul 19 2008
Score 50%

ok i installed it but there is no gray foot on the bar at the left of¨applications¨

yor pretty face is going to hell
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