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Re: Super OS?
May 8 2010  on group No More Ubuntu Respins!

Haha that sucks... Looks exactly the same as ubuntu lol. I can't believe noobs just get ubuntu, put some icons on the desktop, include some software that can be used on standard ubuntu and call it a distro. Pffft...

Re: pathetic
May 6 2010  on group

The main reason for me, and many other people not using windows is microsoft. It's an evil, corrupt monopoly. I just plain don't like windows anyway though.

May 6 2010  on group DO NOT DARE TO ENTER THIS GROUP

When I joined this group my desktop permanently went to bill gates' face, and I now have a windows tattoo on my butt. :(

Short essay
Mar 14 2010  on group

I hate Microsoft, it's a dirty, greedy company that makes you pay £50 every 5 years for a new OS, when they could just keep updating it free of charge, or charge a small fee for every big update. C'mon Microsoft! You're rich enough already!

I would be quite happy to stay with XP for a long time to come, but Microsoft will be ending support for XP in a few years, which practically forces you to upgrade, which means more money for Microsoft. Not only that, but Microsoft are now making games deliberately incompatible with XP, forcing gamers to upgrade. When I read this up, it sickened me, hence I am migrating to Linux forever.

But of course, I can't fully migrate to Linux, because I am the owner of a team on a windows game that just happens to work very poorly under WINE, which forces me to use Windows, no matter how much I hate it. :(

Windows sucks. As soon as WINE works better with that game, I will dump Windows FOREVER.
Now that I'll look forward to. But for now I just want to have a little moan about Windows 7.

Windows 7 was released in 2008 (I think) and since then all of my friends have been telling me it's “99999999x” times better than Vista and XP... Well it isn't, and I'm going to tell you why.

From what I can see, there is no difference between Vista and 7 apart from the new taskbar, which is pretty similar to Vista's as well, just taller and more transparent. Apart from that, Windows 7 is Déjà vu all round. Same window style, same programs, same startup sound and still uses a crapload of resources and memory. So don't believe Microsoft when they say that your computer will run much more efficiently and faster with Windows 7; It won't, or at least it won't without a quad-core gaming system with a hard drive for RAM.

Windows 7 is incompatible with almost all of the software I would use on XP today... Sadly including games. And Windows XP Mode is useless to me, because I can't play games on a virtual machine, due to the graphics and memory limitations.

Okay, I now have writer's block so I'm going to finish up here. I hope you enjoyed it! :)

Any opinions? :D

Mar 13 2010  on group

If microsoft say we can live a life without Walls and Fences, then why do we need Windows and Gates? :D

Linux forever!


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