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BogDan Vatra (taipan)
Location:Romania, Brasov
Birthday:Mar 31 1980
Type:project contract, full time employee, part time employee, freelancer
Education:Odobleja , Craiova
1995 - 1999
College / Postgraduate studies

University of Craiova , Craiova
2007 - in progress
Experience:2009-06 - present
Route 66, Brasov, No. employees: 50-100, Software/Technologies
I participate in the porting of the navigation application to Android, I create the audio and gps modules for android, I rewrite the build-system, I also worked on UI using Java with JNI.

2001-04 - 2009-06
S.C. OmniData S.R.L., Craiova, No. employees: 10-25, Software/Technologies
C/C++ developer with more than 8 years of experience.
SQL developer (postgresql (plperl), mysql, etc.).
GNU/Linux developer.


Creating the copying protections for the existing old DOS applications. This protections have not been cracked until now (for more than 8 years).

I made the research to port the applications to Microsoft Windows. The research supposes finding the best solution for the database, creating copy protections, rewriting/creating new components and libraries that make the applications development more efficient. Besides the research I also did the development (more than 80%) of an ERP.
The applications were written in C++ (using Borland CBuilder) and have as database server PostgreSQL, I chose PostgreSQL because I moved to the server all the application logic using functions and procedures (written in plperl and plpgsql languages). The applications obtained from this research use the most innovating technologies and OmniData has one of the most reliable products that nowadays exist on the market and are used by thousands of customers. As an example I can give you Top-Gel, which has chosen our products ( after they tested many other products). Top Gel use our product to collect data in real time, by more than 40 users located all over the country, they collect in ~2 years more than 8.000.000 records.

I create dozens of on demand applications, here I want to mention the fact that I was the author of deposition and administration system for Romanian Work Inspection (IM (Inspectia Muncii)). This system allows collecting companies statements from more than 1000 users located all over the country.The system also allows processing of a huge number of data, all Romanian companies must to give at least one statement every month.

I made the research to port the company applications to GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, Embedded devices (mobile, PDA-uri, etc) using Qt framework. As a personal achievement I want to mention the creation of an open source cross platform report generator (http://exaro.sourceforge.net/). Using Qt and eXaro I also started the development of an open source ERP (http://code.google.com/p/kontamabil/). The generator and the ERP are designed to by very modular, this makes adding the new functionality to be extremely easy and safe.
Like windows porting, Qt porting supposed to rewrite and create new components and libraries that make the applications development more efficient. As an example, to create simple forms (like countries, states, provinces, etc) you will need less than 50 lines of code, the rest is designed visually.

I also create some server apps(live update, live register) to serve the companies applications needs. Using this servers all major applications can be update and registered automatically over the internet.

I create a site for company customers administration and for their licensees. The site was develop in java using ZK framework.

I implement a system for "remote support" (VNC like (similar with TeamViewer)). With this system the company offer a quick support to his customers and reduce drastically the displacement costs.

I installed and configured GNU/Linux servers. I admin more than 15 servers. The installing suppose the configuration of firewalls, database, mail, web, dhcp, etc serves. Here I like to mention the research and implementation of virtual server solutions (based on openvz). This solutions reduce the hardware costs and makes the applications to run more securely (they are moved to secure containers).

Another achieve is the creation of a custom distribution for netbooks (AcerOne), I replace the existing distribution with a custom one based on debian distribution.

Other skills:
SQL (postgresql (plperl, pl/sql), sqlite, mysql, etc.).
Linux installation, configuration, administration, develop.
Web technologies, Java
Contact BogDan Vatra

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