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Re: RE:s No More
Mar 10 2008  on group Tired of Ubuntu Wallpapers!

Sorry, I Missunderstood, again.
Just wanted to be nice. Really!

So it is clear that this is GNOME Content Site, sorry again, and I moved out all unremoveable Ubuntu-Crap Logos to Ubuntu-Art Crap site. Hope all other Ubuntu designers will follow.

Maybe when I have time I will make some Real Gnome-Logo Wallpapers. :-)

No more RE:s
Mar 9 2008  on group Tired of Ubuntu Wallpapers!

Right. Ubuntu is a Trademark but free for non-commercial purposes. Linux is also a registered trademark but I think its open for commercial use.

Ähm.. you are not sure where this African thing came from?
I don't want to bore you but if you like I will tell you about African Pilosophy.

I try a short definition.
There is no equivalent word in European languages for Ubuntu. It is not translateable because it came from a different philosophical understanding of live. The word came from the Zulu and Xhosa languages of the southern Africa but the traditional philosophic concept reaches up to the Sahara. There is a describing Zulu concept: "umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu" - which means that a person is only a person through their relationship to others.
Umuntu - A person, ngumuntu - is a person, nga - through/by, bantu - people (actually abantu) 'I am because you are, and you are because we are.' An African Proverb says: It takes the whole village to raise a child. This is what Ubuntu means. Isn't this the credo of Linux?

In this philosophical concept all humans are connected by a spiritual Network, including the dead, the living and the not yet born ones. There is nothing you can do without affecting the others. Everyone has to care about the others. Everyone is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.
(Including outspoken, boorish noobs ;-) )

Re: Re: Re: Re: For
Mar 9 2008  on group Tired of Ubuntu Wallpapers!


I agree... Ubuntu brings you a lot of Linux Beginners, some resistant to learn, o.k. I joke about this myself. :-) No Problem.
I agree... these uploads like them you collected are bad but there are very easy solutions for it.
- If you do not like a Wallpaper, you can click on the "Bad Vote" Button.
- If a Wallpaper is copyrighted content, you can report this and it can be deleted.
- If there is a Wallpaper only with Logo again but you like it without, ...contact the Person kindly and I am pretty sure that you get the picture without Logo within a day and the one will happily do another upload of the blank pic.

There is... some statements upwards... the following sentence:
"And yes, many nothing more than stolen art, or bimbo of the month with an Ubuntu logo plastered to the front of it."
And what kind of comment is this: "ubuntu is just consumer level crap" ?

What smells here is the Word: Bimbo in Combination with

Maybe somehow a Funny pic for itself but I think that this Combination with: "No Ubuntu Wallpapers" as a Package looks pretty racist, doesn't it?
This seems like a problem of a racist attitude towards black African people and a resulting hate to Ubuntu because of intolerance. And even if this is a misunderstanding... It is misunderstandable and inappropriate.

The sexist pictures are not better but this is a different problem and not your Theme here. Would be a good theme but it isn't now. This discussion here is about the "bimbo of the month with an Ubuntu logo"-Distribution. No Ubuntu just sounds like No bimbos.

"No Ubuntu Wallpapers" is not the same like
"no sexist Pics with Ubuntu Tatoos" or "no copyrighted content wit Tux" or "Add logoless Versions!",... "Distribution Filters Now!"

So I said and say again: The very great majority of the Linux Community (99,9999%) is NOT racist or elitist! And I am pretty sure about that. Otherwise I would not be so frustrated.

Possibly I misunderstood it but others will misunderstand it too but say nothing.
There could be better names for this group if you would like to express something different.

Think about it, try to imagine yourself in an Ubuntu-Users and gnome loving position.


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