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Re: Re: Chillout guys
Jan 2 2010  on group ubuntu haters

Some misunderstanding here - I'm not saying that packaging systems in general are horrible. I just don't like debian system, that's all. Package dependencies are needed, of course. But if someone screws them up, it's just chaos, it includes almost every distribution I guess. However I still prefer rpm's over deb's. Combined with a good package managing tool (for me it's poldek from pld, I never liked fedora's yum for example), rpm's beat the crap out of deb system, but thats ONLY my personal opinion. I understand that someone might think otherwise, it's a free world :-)

While using ubuntu I never used Synaptics, Adept or any other clickable tool. I'm used to command line tools, so back in the days I installed everything using apt-get. Maybe firefox isn't perfect example, but for me it was just weird that I needed older version in order to install the newest. I haven't found any apt-get option to 'uncheck' firefox 3.0.

Also, I'm not trying to start some sort of flame discussion against ubuntu. There are already some people here throwing crap at it, so I guess it's enough. I even tried to defend it at some point, I thought it was obvious...

Chillout guys
Dec 31 2009  on group ubuntu haters

First of all, I'm also not an ubuntu lover. Honestly, I don't like it. It was my first distro, but about 2 years ago I got myself a new laptop, and ubuntu just couldn't handle it. Usb didn't work, sound didn't work as well. From all other distros I tried fedora, but it was one, big, total crap... My friend got me hooked to PLD. Not all worked out of the box though, one of the developers compiled newest kernel for me, and then all worked like charm (it seemed my laptop just had "too new" hardware for ubu and other distros to handle at that time). I'm stuck with PLD ever since and I'm happy with it.

But saying that ubuntu is crap, terrible distribution, even though I dislike it, seems a little bit unfair. In my opinion it's a good distro for a linux newbie. Many people got turned to linux because of ubuntu. But it's for newbie only. A lot of things can be done just by clicking-your-way-through. However doing so, it's hard to learn anything. If anynone wants to do anything more complicated, learn something more, I guess it's time to change your distro.

Why I dislike ubuntu: most of all, deb packaging system - it's just horrible, I know what I'm saying. Besides anything it's slow, packages have some crappy dependencies (there was a time, when I tried to install firefox 3.5, but I got 3.0 installed along with it too, couldn't get rid of it...). But it's good for any Windows user who wants to try to start his adventure with linux. Learn some basics with ubuntu, then try something more challenging.


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