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Re: Re: Re: Re: The Function of a Menu
Nov 14 2011  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

The video I saw - there was no keyboard or mouse - they could bring a keyboard up on screen and type - the other part I forgot to mention is that it was set like a drafting table and about 40" square.

Re: Re: Re: The Function of a Menu
Nov 14 2011  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

I see where your heading on this - just watch a video about a plan that MS is working on to have no mouse or keyboard - and all touch screen (massive multi-touch actually - ie multiple users on same screen touching to do things).
I would then have to think that an edge motion may be the way to get to the menu - this way no matter what is open the movement would bring up the menu (since scroll bars tend to on right - assume left side for this).

This is just my thoughts -

Re: The Function of a Menu
Nov 13 2011  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

One of the things that I'd like is menus from the mouse (as opposed to having to goto a button for menu)

Re: Re: Re: Window Managing
Nov 13 2011  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

I like the way that worked - and that is a lot like how Blender's internal windows are resized.

Re: Re: Look and Feel
Oct 22 2011  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

I did look at the various links, mock ups and read through the comments to date on this. I like some of what I see, and other stuff not so much. I know that the back end to make things work is WAY beyond my skills, but as the end user type person (I also do 3D and 2D art using Blender and Gimp).

If you were able to combine all of the back end function from Gnome 2, with all of the look of Unity, and the capability of Enlightenment, then I think it would be a 'win'.

I think with most modern desktop/laptops that smooth looks, ease of use, and customization are going to be the key for future development of the desktop environment.

I think that the new desktop needs to work more like a cell phone 'app' system - as that is used more now than even Windows desktops... ie don't retrain people to use computers - just allow them to do what they know already.

Consider looking at the 'look and feel' of the 10" Tablet PC - the Samsung Galaxy in particular.

The Android OS is extremely light back end, but still power full enough to do everything needed.

Maybe, part of what I'm saying is that the OS environment has become a bit bloated to do the same things that much lighter weight OS have been doing on phones for a few years now, and really they aren't doing that much more than what Windows 3.1 was doing back in the 80's, they communicate between user and machine to follow instructions. Admittedly some of those instructions are more complex now, but my thinking is that most of it is still very basic.

Simple, configurable, usable.

Look and Feel
Oct 22 2011  on group FluiDE (New Computer Interfaces Discussion)

Hi everyone - and thank you for allowing me to join this group.

I am more 'end user' than designer, but I know a lot of people and the typical thing I hear is they like/don't like the 'look and feel' of a desktop OS. What's worse is I agree. Gnome/Unity - I don't like having to search for an app that under the old Gnome 2 is just a couple of clicks away - I don't like junk taking up my desktop space. And I don't have any Icons on my desktop (that's what the menu's are for thank you very much). One think I do like is from Enlightenment and that's having all of the menus on a mouse click, allowing you to get to any application with just a click (as long as your mouse is on the background of the desktop).

I also prefer only one 'tool' bar - and I like to be able to put it where I want it (top/side/bottom), I like being to able to add/remove apps from the bar (full customization).

I like themes - I like being able to edit/modify themes (I use one now that had dark gray and orange as it's main colors and I've changed the orange to blue).

I like 'smooth' yet simple looks to my windows and to my menus... I'm not trying to look like Windows 3.1 and also not trying to look like Windows XP/Vista either. People should look at a computer screen and be able to know that simple task are still simple (like opening a browser or an office program).

These are just some end user thoughts.

I'll come with more as I see more 'development on the look' of this new desktop.

Randal Lovelace


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