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panels / toolbars
Mar 7 2007  on content Murrina-Everest

Nice theme!

Just one question: how can I make my toolbars all text and minimalist like yours?? Thanks!

Re: Re: rar sucks
May 20 2006  on content Twinkles

rar is nonfree.

nice one
Dec 31 2005  on content PlatinUm

nice to see a theme that isnt just a another clearlooks variant.. keep working on this one!

Re: I love this them
Dec 17 2005  on content Water Vapor

Glad you like it.

I am still developing this theme-- I've just been very busy lately so I haven't dedicated much time to it. After the holidays expect a major update!

Next release should include:

- More scrollbar work-- mainly redoing the arrow buttons.

- I feel like the tabs need more work too.

- A colorpack - I'm going to start with a clean, boring black/grayscale pack first.

- the radio buttons and checkboxes need major work as well.

- I'm not sure what else.. suggestions for improvement are appreciated!

As far as porting to cairo, I'd love to at some point. Right now it's based on the pixmap theme engine, and I think to get the effect I want I'm going to have to use a different engine or build my own..? So to answer your question, yes, at some point I will port this to a different engine, and it would be excellent to make it a cairo/glitzy theme.. i'd love to add some animation a la the recent clearlooks animation hacks.

Re: high end compute
Nov 15 2005  on content Water Vapor

Well.. yeah. I do a lot of audio and graphics processing, so I basically built this computer to kick ass.

This box is an amd64 3500+ 2.2 Ghz, 1 gb ram, nvidia 5200 w/ 128 mb. Pretty powerful computer, but relatively weak video card. Running a highly tweaked amd64 Ubuntu Breezy.

It's damn fast. People who say 64-bit computing isn't worth the trouble must not do much audio/video/graphics rendering.

The screenshot is a little misleading though. The first test (16.60s) was Water Vapor, and the second (9.12s) was a Clearlooks theme. I did that for comparison sake. I should have specified that somewhere.

Can you give me the full results of gtkperf so I can try and optimize the theme?

Re: Re: Re: Really n
Oct 14 2005  on content Water Vapor

Thanks. There is absolutely no reason why the background to your menus should look different than the screenshot... I think something is b0rked with your system. Try running "rm -r ~/.gtk*" to clear your gtk configuration, then set your theme again. Let me know if that works.

As far as the panel bug goes, I get that too; it happens when you have the "hide buttons" enabled. An easy fix is to go into the panel-properties->background tab, then instead of using "None (use system theme), use "Background Image", and point it to the panel_background.png in the /Water_Vapor/gtk-2.0/ folder. Hopefully I'll figure out a better way to do this soon.


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