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Re: porno spam users
Jan 15 2014  on group No More Spam!

Seems like he was hacked. I remember him posting just yesterday or the day before in another group, and his profile was adequate.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Massively downvoting bots
Jan 15 2014  on group No More Spam!

ARU - это Arch User Repository? Никогда с арчем не работал, вот и не постил :-)

Я бинарные билды для линуксов на build.opensuse.org храню. Там есть поддержка арча. Как-нить поиграюсь с созданием пакета.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Massively downvoting bots
Jan 14 2014  on group No More Spam!

> А ваше приложение? Ну так openDesktop.org скорее социальная сеть, почему бы не поместить свои приложения на sourceforge.net или github.com?

Как раз с регистрации на сорсфоржe проект и начался. А сейчас исходники на гитхабе "живут", с зеркалом на сорсфорже :-)

А на Qt-Apps.org публиковал т.к., собственно, это приложение написано на Qt :-)

> ЗЫ: А что за софина? Где её можно посмотреть?

TSP Solver and Generator (http://tspsg.info/) - генерит и решает задачи коммивояжёра. В состоянии стабильной беты. Последний год-два активно над ней не работал, т.к. всё руки не доходят. Да и основной функционал есть и работает. Не хватает только хелпа, чтобы финальный релиз первой версии сделать.

На сайте ссылки на сорсфоржевский гит, но я недавно сделал "главным" гитхабовский: https://github.com/leppa/tspsg

Re: Re: Massively downvoting bots
Jan 14 2014  on group No More Spam!

То-есть, наличие кучи ботов, которые искусственно занижают рейтинг - это нормально? Какой смысл рейтинга, в таком случае?

И тогда, я не понимаю, почему исчезло моё приложение? Оно GPL, было нормально оформлено, со ссылками на исходники и OBS. Исчезло где-то полтора года назад. Тогда через гугл обнаружил, что оно даунвоутилось именно теми ботами.

Massively downvoting bots
Jan 14 2014  on group No More Spam!

This is my last try, in hope my complaint will finally gets noticed. I've tried to contact Qt-Apps.org administration through the http://qt-apps.org/feedback/ form and sent a direct message to Frank once. This was in October 2012. I never ever got any reply and it seems that the issue is still unresolved.

There seem to be hundreds of downvoting bots that regularly downvote the content. Here are just a few of them:

All these bots have dropperXXXXX and nicolaXXXXX nicknames with "Александр Сергеев" set as their name and a lot of them can be found by a simple "Александр Сергеев voted content down" Google search.

Please, secure the voting system so that such a massive downvoting isn't possible or disable the voting system completely.

I've had an app published on Qt-Apps.org (http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php?content=138920), but at some moment it just disappeared without any warning. I suspect that it was deleted due to getting a lot of downvotes.

My score is below zero currently and I think that it was also a result of this massive downvoting.

Re: Voting needs a rework
Jan 14 2014  on group

You stuff might, as well, be downvoted by bots.

I've had an app published on Qt-Apps.org but at some point it just disappeared from the site. I didn't get any notification or warning. One day I just found out that it's not there anymore. Then I noticed that my score is below zero which made me wonder even more. After trying to investigate I've found a bunch of droperXXXXX bots that downvoted a lot of content. Most probably, my app was downvoted so many times that it was deleted.

I wrote about this issue through http://qt-apps.org/feedback/ form and sent a direct message to Frank. I never EVER got any reply. In fact, there are still droperXXXXX bots and they still downvote the content regularly:

You can find few of them by a simple Google search "Александр Сергеев voted content down" (all these bots have Александр Сергеев set as their name).

So if your app disappears from the site suddenly, don't be surprised...

Re: New information
May 10 2011  on news Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

Thank you for the update, AlterX. Great to hear that.

I hope the fact that I've made updates to my app after the end of the submission period doesn't disqualify me (I did submit my app before the deadline).

Re: No way
Apr 22 2011  on news Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

No announcements was made, so I don't think that it was extended. Maybe, the jury already tests the apps and selects the winners.

Re: Deadline
Mar 27 2011  on news Win 10.000,- EUR at the "Qtest Mobile App Port"

Great to know!
Now I'll definitely be able to release second beta of my project before the end of the contest :-)


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