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Re: Re: Aurora
Oct 7 2009  on content Humanity

Wow, thanks for the deb! Unfortunately I am using the 64-bit version of Ubuntu so it doesn't work. Do you by any chance know where I can get a 64-bit deb? I've never had much success trying to compile it myself.

Oct 7 2009  on content Humanity

The theme manager says that I need Aurora but seems to work ok without it. It that a bug or does it actually require Aurora? Sorry, don't have time to install Aurora to check.


Light version
Jun 6 2009  on content CT-gtk

The light version looks great! Its definitely not too dark. I think maybe the window border could be a little darker, but I'll leave that up to you.

Thanks again for working on this!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Suggestion
Jun 6 2009  on content CT-gtk

Thanks for making the lighter version :)

It certainly solves the problems I was having with it! I think could use some more tweaking though, but not quite sure what...

I think since you have a darker panel (which I like a lot) than themes like Shiki-colors, that the metacity doesn't have to be as quite as light as you made it (Although it could be made to look nice as is).

If you want to keep the current shade I think the menu font needs to be lighter, but I'm not sure you could accomplish this in Firefox without the Firefox CSS "hack" unless you changed the main menu background to white - you probably know more about this limitation than me. You might not want to go that route because of that issue.

Also, the gradient for the menu bar background strikes me as odd - I think maybe it should be more subtle or gradual...but I'm not really sure. I suppose I should whip out Gimp myself and experiment... :) I might get time later.

Also, I really like the new active tabs! Sometimes I feel like its too much gray though.... Maybe for the blue theme, for instance, they should have a blue shade (just an idea)!

Re: Re: Suggestions
Jun 6 2009  on content CT-gtk

I think having separation would improve usability. It seems that I can't tell at a glance what is panel and what is window: I found myself grabbing the panel a couple of times when trying to move a window that was up against it. This might not be a problem with a lighter metacity.

I think the darker themes I mentioned have solved the problem by putting a 1 pixel lighter colored line along the top of window border.

It might be just me though, so you probably want to get input from other people as well :)

Jun 5 2009  on content CT-gtk

I think this theme is awesome, and has a lot of potential. I particularly like the metacity minimize, maximize, and exit button design.

Most of these issues may only be related to my laptop LCD screen (on a Dell Inspiron 1420), nonetheless here they are:

-It is hard to distinguish the active tab in Firefox from the others.
-I think there needs to be more separation (maybe color or contrast-wise) between the metacity and the panel.
-Related to the above, the dark black of the Metacity makes it so that I cannot see the gradient except from a sharp angle on my screen. I would suggest lightening it up a little. Some darker themes that seem to handle this well are Shiki-colors and New Wave.

Maybe you could make a lighter version for testing?

A good start
Jan 7 2009  on news voting

I'm glad you are making improvements on the voting system. You still have a long way to go though.

What about passing the user's session id and vote back to the server using ajax? That would be considerably safer than just placing everything on the URL. This method is not completely foolproof either (because the session id is still not encoded/encrypted), but I think it could eliminate a lot of the current abuse/security problems (automatic voting on download, accidental sharing of session id, etc).


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