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Re: Re: how i really feel
Dec 21 2009  on group Windows lovers

> stealing ideas is evil? well then I
> guess like 90% of the features that exist
> in de's for linux is evil then.... uhm...
> come to think of the dock, the transparency....
Go do a lil reading up on the history of GUI, esp. on Alan Kay... the very concept of having "windows" is stolen by M$. Moreover, X had been around since 1984.
How about tabbed browsing?
And I never knew Windowns has wobbly windows.

> ie is crappy? really? last time I checked
> it had faster rendering than firefox? which
> I figure is your ultimate browser huh?
Are you sure about the rendering time? I don't know about all the fancy tests, but I personally used all the browsers there are out there, and IE(6,7,8) is just all the way down. Well, probably the pages that it renders faster are the pages that it wouldn't render correctly at all.
And if you want fancy tests, go try them yourself and tell me the results. Acid3 anyone?

> spread lies? okey, maybe when 95 was
> out and they said you could forget about
> command line.... yeah, but that's in the past.
Well, I know a famous one: "It's faster than any previous Windows version".
And look at how they're training BestBuy workers to tell customers that Windows is safer and does things that *nix cannot.

> I often hear linux is refered to as "safe", well, there is no safe os.
There is no safe OS, but there is safer OS. Just look at the facts. And don't tell me that *nix is more secure because it's less used. Look at 500 top supercomputers, how many uses Windows? Last time I checked there was 1. Look at how many percent of Apache used compared to IIS? Don't tell me that people hack for fame, coz hacking into a supercomputer or a webserver brings them more fame than you could imagine.
AFAIK, no malware for *nix ever get out of the labs - alive.

> cost too much? have too much money?
> that's evil? yeah I can see that, I mean,
> making a good product and getting paid
> for it, if that isn't evil, what is??
Making a good product and get paid for it is not evil.
Making a good product and force people to use it is evil.
Making a crappy product and force people to use it is evil.
Think vendor lock-in.

> rock on! it's a "free" world!

Jan 27 2009  on group DO NOT DARE TO ENTER THIS GROUP

you fail.

Re: thinkpad theme
Jan 6 2009  on group TUG - Thinkpad Users Group

1) grubsplash: my "Da Vinci" theme :P
2) KDE: Oxygen (4.2)
3) bootsplash: openSuSE's verbose splash
4) plasma: Oxygen


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