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Nov 8 2010  on group Envied Ubuntu Group

Hello all. I'm GroovyD, a former Ubuntu hater. I think I was only a hater because I was looking for something that fit ME in the world of Linux. I tried about 100 or so different distros via VMware, and downloaded about 20 on my little netbook. At the end of the day, Ubuntu ended up fitting like a glove. All the features I need, powerful, user friendly, just a really good OS. I'm running 10.10, and everything is going well.

Re: Re: Noob in the club
Jul 24 2010  on group KDE 4 Fans

Hi chimo. I'm going to write a novel to answer your question. :D

In the year or so that I've experimented with Linux OS's, I've tried quite a few distros. These include (but aren't limited to):

Ubuntu 8.10, 9.10, 10.04
Mandriva Free 2010 and One 2009
Linux Mint 7 GNOME
Fedora 10, 12, & 13
Xubuntu 9.10 & 10.04
Kubuntu 9.10 & 10.04
CrunchBang#! 9.04.01 and 10 Statler Alpha's 1 & 2 w/Openbox and XFCE
VectorLinux Lite w/IceWM
sidux KDE Lite
...more that I can't think of at present...

Bear in mind that most of this was prior to discovering virtualization, so I either used these on live USB's or installed them on my netbook. My little Averatek is a trooper!

I've been a distro-hopper for a few reasons. All that I ever knew existed in the way of OS's was Windows and Mac. I love Mac, but can't afford one, and I like Windows well enough (but I'm just OVER Windows). I wanted something different, and I found it when I started attending ITT Tech. In my first quarter, my Introduction to Personal Computers class introduced me to the Linux kernel. I was fascinated, but skeptical. One of my classmates had Ubuntu 8.10 on CD and gave it to me. I tried it, and didn't like it. Looking back on it now, I didn't like GNOME. Anyway, I decided to try more Linux distros to see what I liked and didn't like. I've found that I like Ubuntu-based and Debian-based distros, KDE, Openbox, IceWM, and XFCE. GNOME, RHEL-based distros, GOffice, and LXDE aren't my taste. I landed on Mint because it was one of the first distros that I tried, and despite having GNOME, it was easy to use! I didn't have to do anything for my computer components to work, and I liked that a lot. I knew that I liked KDE, and saw that the new Linux Mint 9 KDE RC was released, so I decided to give it a whirl. For me, this is the best distro that I've used. Easy enough for noobs, but sophisticated enough to impress people who know what they're doing with Debian-based distros. :)

I have had a Windows-free computer for about a month or so, and I don't miss Windows a single bit. In fact, I joke with my classmates who are obsessed with Win7 and tell them Mint 9 KDE is what Win7 wishes it could be! :-D I have everything that I need in KDE apps, OOo, Dia, and OpenProj. If the need for a specific Microsoft app arises, I can install it with Wine. No worries, no bugs, no viruses, no system crashes, no hackers, no headaches...

So, yeah. All that lead me to Mint KDE. :) Load the ISO into VirtualBox or VMware -- if you like Kubuntu, I know you'll like Mint.

Jul 23 2010  on group Kubuntu-users

What's up Kubu's?! I'm not sure if I count though because I'm using Linux Mint 9 KDE. Its based on Kubuntu, which I also like a lot. :)

Anyway, I'm GroovyD. I look forward to chatting with everyone (and even debating with a few if appropriate). Have a good one!

Noob in the club
Jul 23 2010  on group KDE 4 Fans

Hello all. I'm using the new Linux Mint 9 KDE RC with KDE 4.4.4. I've distro-hopped a lot, and may continue to do so. Regardless, I have a respect for KDE because it is so well rounded and complete. Moreso, IMO, than other DE's and WM's.

Anyway, I'll probably be asking for help with some things, so please respond politely. :)

Re: Re: Intro
Jul 23 2010  on group Cool KDE Hackers

No disrespect meant, I assure you. :) openSuSE was one of the first that I tried because I heard from a friend of mine at ITT that uses it that SuSE was extremely easy to use. I guess it would have been better to say that other distros just weren't for me.

For me, I love KDE and I love Mint. That's all. Have a good evening TheRob.

Jul 21 2010  on group Cool KDE Hackers

Hello KDE Hackers. I'm GroovyD, and just wanted to introduce myself. Post other intros in this thread so that we can know who to ask for help with what areas.

I'm decent with Python 2.6, and currently attending ITT Technical Institute for computer networking and information system security. My college will soon be teaching me how to hack! ;-) I'm fairly new to Linux (user for about a year), and I've been a distro hopper for a while now. I've used just about everything Debian and Ubuntu based with just about every WM/DE out there. I've also used Fedora, Slack, SuSE, and indy distros, and I truly hated how user un-friendly they were. I finally settled on Linux Mint KDE 9 RC (for now, at least), and I'm loving how easy the system is to use and how sophisticated and complete the system is.


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