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you bet ;-)
Jul 8 2002  on content KMess Sounds

fiesta los cospudos
(cospudener see ;-)

leipzig, saxony, germania

hope I'll see u at the next beach party *grin*

NO, definitely not
Jul 8 2002  on content KMess Sounds

...but I had to set my priorities to a different topic the past months ;-)

...we had to finish up a software project (with documentation, which took at least 60 percent of the time *argh*)

...and furthermore I have to admit that I spent the rest of my spare time at the nearby lake, since the weather was nice ö)

sorry, didn't try
May 22 2002  on content A Warm Welcome Wuzz

-xkill: didn't really test that, my bet ;-(
I was thinking it just plays when you have that dead head destroying a window (with xkill) - if it's played whenever a window is closed, you can't use it, that's true *ashamed* (will think of something new)

-filenames: I will for sure in the final version, but for now - they should a) be just directions and b) there are different languages too, so I'll probably have to write a script or something to get that set up right for people who use German or French or whatsoever

-will take your rollup comment into account ;-) - also, I didn't modify rollup (the prior minimize sound) - that's a todo ;-)

-select is (hopefully) for future use, when programmers of Konqueror will handle selection changed events ;-) (dunno if that is already in KDE 3 !? - have to grab a copy, still)
-please don't have a hard time about feelings - after all I asked you for comments, and in the spirit of community we need complaints ;-) -- every development effort sooner or later needs critizm and suggestions (which cannot be too long), else if there is no feedback development innovation will fade..

the nutshell: you continue writing what I can do better, and I'll give my best to rip of spare time to get goin' ;-)

have a nice week


;-) ;-) ;-)
May 21 2002  on content A Warm Welcome Wuzz

;-) aren't those cool ;-)


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