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Re: Darwin's God
Mar 23 2006  on poll Do you believe in life after death?

I think you need to learn a little more about natural selection. Features don't just spontaneously develop, they are extremely slowly to get to the point they are now in complex organisms. Plants grow toward the sun, but they dont have any eyes, or even a brain. Some simple animals can detect light with eyespots, but only enough to tell which direction the sun is in.
Natural selection means the most fit will survive. You asked why man didn't just grow stronger, instead of being more intelligent. If he had gotten stronger, would he be very much more fit to survive? Probably not, considering his predators were already several times stronger than him. Man's body shape is just not capable of fighting off predators; he doesn't have any claws or sharp teeth, and he can easily be knocked over. However, a more intelligent individual could look out for lions and protect himself by hiding or running away. Man's ancestors usually didn't even need to worry about predators, because they lived in trees where no larger animals could reach them.

Re: Re: There can not be ...
Mar 20 2006  on poll Do you believe in life after death?

if light doesnt have mass, why is it affected by gravity?

science only can explain things to a certain point, though. there is no way of knowing how things work exactly at the quantum level. for all anyone knows, that could be what the spirit is, the force that controls the seeminlgy chaotic actions of quarks and other subatomic particles. there is no evidence for this (unless you believe in psychokinesis), but you still cant disprove it.
also consider pascal's wager.
im not trying to advocate one point of view, but consider the possibility of both; they are equally valid.


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