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For Microsoft to take serious?
Dec 28 2009  on group Windows lovers

Wow, I had to read this a few times to let it really sink in because my first reaction was ... what on earth are you talking about ???

QUOTE --> linux as a core is a lot better than windows indeed, but is too incomplete for even microsoft to be taken seriously <-- END QUOTE

First of all, for every bad piece/low quality package of Linux Software, I dare say that there are at least 10 - 20 lousy Windows counterparts. Meaning, for 25.000 Linux applications you may find 250.000 to 500.000 Windows apps, the majority which are nothing but pure crap. But more importantly, I've been finding Linux Software to be either far more complete than I'd ever hoped for - or streamlined down to the essentials which makes that particular software package much easier on the system while taking up less space at the same time.

Here are some examples for you:
RubyRipper is simply fantastic. Oh, sure, it takes a lot longer to rip a music CD into mp3, but only because it has built-in doublechecking and only because it can actually repair many problems on a music CD within 5 passes. That's all automatic and that's why it takes longer. Windows Mediaplayer sure can't do that ....

How about a truly, and I do mean truly FANTASTIC code editor - one that can do darn near anything except cook your coffee while costing you absolutely ... NOTHING? Well, have you ever tried Komodo from ActiveState? I've used some choice editors in the past 15 years or so, including commercial editors, and I've never seen an editor that can do as much as Komodo can do for free! It's the highest quality, most complete, most automated editor that I've ever seen.

I'm finding far superior quality in many Linux (Ubuntu) products because most Linux/Ubuntu developers seem to care a whole lot more about the quality that they produce. Now then, Games, in particular 3D Games taken aside, I have to say that in the past 7 months my Ubuntu System has *NEVER* crashed. Oh yeah, I've had some serious issues here and there ... but every one of them was an issue that I caused, and not the system. I've installed Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 on altogether 8 machines so far and not one person has had any problems yet.

Most of the people who experience problems with Linux are ones that won't admit it when they screwed up ... always better to blame the damn OS ... or people who are big time 3D gamers (where Windows has experienced massive problems over the years as well), and so on. For anyone who's just looking for a powerhouse of an OS without abusing the crap out of the system there's simply nothing better than Linux/Ubuntu or one of its similar flavors.

Weeeeeell shucks, that's my claim and by golly gosh durn, I'm gonna stick right to it.
Hey, happy New Year everyone!
(I won't be back 'til the new year)

Re: Windows is crap, period.
Dec 23 2009  on group Windows lovers

I'm reading through all of the comments here and the first thing that becomes real noticeable to me, is the fact that many of the comments are coming from people who aren't old and/or experienced enough to actually know what they're talking about. Sorry.

I've used Windows professionally for 18 years - built hundreds of computers - customized hundreds of computers - used enough professional applications to be able to claim that I'm a power user, often with 60+ hours of computer usage (no games) per week ... and as far as I'm concerned the "Windows Hatred" goes a lot deeper than just high cost and TV commercials.

MS didn't get their socks sued off literally over a hundred times because they have money or because others want to take advantage of MS. They got sued for stealing anything and everything that they could semi-legally get their hands on ... they got sued for copyright infringements, patend infringements, conspiring to monopolize the global operating system market, etc. etc. etc. As far as I'm concerned this truly is an evil corporation.

Just look at the warped gift giving ... presenting Univesities and High Schools with hundreds and thousands of Windows Computers over the past 15 years ... for the express and only purpose to undermine everything that is *NOT* an MS product whole having massive tax write-offs because of such donations. Why not just give MONEY so that the recipients can decide how its best used?

And what about the psychology behind MS products? Can you really be so naive to believe that BS about "they didn't put a gun to my head" to use Windows. Give me a break, once you use anything routinely, be it drugs, alcohol, gaming, or Windows ... it becomes a habit that is hard to get away from ... especially for computer users who know nothing else other than windows. Even though MS support has been so shitty or expensive for single users (by intent), people would rather stay with that crap than to switch ... for fear of having no support at all.

There is absolutely positively no doubt in my mind that if (I'll use Ubuntu here as an example) the Ubuntu folks spent just as much money hyping and advertising Ubuntu as MS hypes Windows, then Windows could throw themselves away. Oh, but the revolution is definitely coming. Here in Germany many government branches have already switched to linux based servers and linux based apps such as OpenOffice.

It took me a total of 3 months before I found absolutely EVERYTHING that I needed to replace my windows apps with, but utimately I did. I've been using Ubuntu profesionally for the past 7 months now and will never plan on using any overpriced, under developed, under supported MS product ever again. Windows is crap, there's just no comparison, period. Oh yeahh, Halleluja!

Re: Windows is crap, period.
Dec 23 2009  on group Windows lovers

I'm reading through all of the comments here and the first thing that becomes real noticeable to me, is the fact that many of the comments are coming from people who aren't old and/or experienced enough to actually know what they're talking about. Sorry.

I've used Windows professionally for 18 years - built hundreds of computers - customized hundreds of computers - used enough professional applications to be able to claim that I'm a power user, often with 60+ hours of computer usage (no games) per week ... and as far as I'm concerned the "Windows Hatred" goes a lot deeper than just high cost and TV commercials.

MS didn't get their socks sued off literally over a hundred times because they have money or because others want to take advantage of MS. They got sued for stealing anything and everything that they could semi-legally get their hands on ... they got sued for copyright infringements, patend infringements, conspiring to monopolize the global operating system market, etc. etc. etc. As far as I'm concerned this truly is an evil corporation.

Just look at the warped gift giving ... presenting Univesities and High Schools with hundreds and thousands of Windows Computers over the past 15 years ... for the express and only purpose to undermine everything that is *NOT* an MS product whole having massive tax write-offs because of such donations. Why not just give MONEY so that the recipients can decide how its best used?

And what about the psychology behind MS products? Can you really be so naive to believe that BS about "they didn't put a gun to my head" to use Windows. Give me a break, once you use anything routinely, be it drugs, alcohol, gaming, or Windows ... it becomes a habit that is hard to get away from ... especially for computer users who know nothing else other than windows. Even though MS support has been so shitty or expensive for single users (by intent), people would rather stay with that crap than to switch ... for fear of having no support at all.

There is absolutely positively no doubt in my mind that if (I'll use Ubuntu here as an example) the Ubuntu folks spent just as much money hyping and advertising Ubuntu as MS hypes Windows, then Windows could throw themselves away. Oh, but the revolution is definitely coming. Here in Germany many government branches have already switched to linux based servers and linux based apps such as OpenOffice.

It took me a total of 3 months before I found absolutely EVERYTHING that I needed to replace my windows apps with, but utimately I did. I've been using Ubuntu profesionally for the past 7 months now and will never plan on using any overpriced, under developed, under supported MS product ever again. Windows is crap, there's just no comparison, period. Oh yeahh, Halleluja!


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