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Re: openSUSE Build Service
Dec 21 2009  on news Open-PC progress

An excellent point!!!

I have just been burnt, buying a notebook that I thought should work with Linux out of the box because it was preloaded with it. It turned out that this was just a way for Acer to ream a loophole through a clause in its contract with M$ that it cannot sell computers without an OS (ANY OS!) installed.

I guess it never occurred to Acer that anyone might actually want to USE Linux instead of replacing it with a pirate copy of Window$!

So, I would LOVE to have the choice of a range of computers and other hardware that are specifically designed to work with Linux, "out of the box" without all the usual hassles that we encounter.

However, I'm not sure I would be prepared to change distros for that, and clearly, I'm not alone. In this thread, much of the discussion has already degenerated into arguments about preferred and non-preferred distros, and how often do we see this in FOSS forums.

Lets face it, most of us are very attached to our distro, not just Linux, GNU Hurd, BSD or FOSS in general. The love/hate remarks above about OpenSuse, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mandriver and other distros surely illustrate this point. We love and cheer our favoured distro, and boo the opposition, much as others cheer and boo football teams.

So, rather than come up with yet another flavour, I would hope that most effort goes into making sure that there are drivers for the PC's hardware that all FOSS OS's cum distros can easily integrate.

Apart from being a magnificent contribution to the FOSS community, it would also make excellent business sense. The FOSS community is still relatively small. Why not maximise your market?

Re: Re: It's just a Build Service
Dec 21 2009  on news Open-PC progress

Sorry I should have said "distro" rather than OS.

My point is the OpenSuse Build Service does not mean OpenSuse distro, as also expressed by Syam.

It's just a Build Service
Dec 5 2009  on news Open-PC progress

It's a reasonable mistake to make, but the OpenSuse build service does not necessarily mean using the OpenSuse OS.

There are already packages available there for Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, Mandriva, Debian and Ubuntu.

I'm not associated with this project, but from Frank's original posting, it looks more like they are developing a new OS.


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