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May 23 2011  on content Radiance gray


Dec 9 2010  on content Orta

It was a long waitin' ..like 5 years or so for such theme (and theme controls).

Now GIMP look like an expensive proprietary software ;)

..all in all this theme bring unity - just stick around 5 minutes and I get the idea that my Ubuntu look better not than OSX.

Well polished, nothing more, nothing less, well balanced and discreet, somewhat with an aristocratic air.

Nota bene.
Best of bread.

Ah, btw - is quite fast..

my vote +
Aug 17 2010  on content Best Ever (Preview)

You stole my idea man ...

Almost Perfect
Apr 7 2010  on content elementary EM GTK

Well balanced gray tones, smooth widget elements, readability, a good contrast for fonts over backgrounds and button states, nothing too extreme, nothing too soft - all those reasons make me to consider Elementary EM as one of the best Gnome themes on our days.

Good work man.

Mar 21 2010  on content Aurora Unified Suite (Preview)

please use a circle as a drag-point for sliders bar, this is a problem in gnome, lots of peoples make horizontally oriented sliders which will not fit for small form spaces(in GIMP or other programs, sometime slider-bar is 50% from total slider width).

Definitely we need Gnome rounded controls for drag-and-slide elements or at least controls where W===H if not H>W (which is better).

This theme is almost perfect - nice and clean - please adjust the slider bars to a rounded or vertically oriented shape(90 degrees rotated) for the slider bar.


Btw I am designer - I can help with mock-ups for now I just miss the right skills to css my themes.

about the open-office hack
Jun 30 2009  on content Ubuntu 9.10 (New Flow Wave)

can I know where I can found the solution for OpenOffice menubar ( and Firefox ) - I mean white text on black background.

I need to apply that to Blue Wave theme.

ALso I wanna ask if is possible to have the same New Flow Wave with New Wave scrollbars ? - can I do that by changing images for scrollbars and css rules ?


one on the few
May 22 2009  on content no-name-jet

one from a very few quality black / gray themes

on top 5 gtk themes/ports ever
Mar 22 2009  on content KDE4 Oxygen new port for GNOME

can be default on any Gnome driven distro

Why I voted good
Jan 15 2009  on content ddragon's GTK blue - squared

because It looks dated, amateurish and because is too blue.

I am designer - so I think I have my right to affirm those things.

Also the author has it's on his right to make it so.

The real point is - someone think to do something different.

Also - for a negative vote - we need some "professional" explanations - "it looks dated" is not an explanation - many artists like to do art in "classic old style".

"amateurish", well we all are amateurs, from top to down on this earth - believe-me, else why intelligent peoples kill peoples, why our planet are in crisis ? or why in our days we still need gas for cars ? - because of professionals for sure.

At least I found a "super-hyper-mega-profi" reason to vote up - because I can.


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