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Re: Real Linux Users
Sep 18 2010  on group anti windows lookalike themes

and a wise Linux user you are my friend!!

Netbook edition!
Sep 17 2010  on content Macbuntu

How come it does not support netbook edition?
Is there some kind of limitation, other than screen resolution?

The Power of Linux
Sep 15 2010  on group anti windows lookalike themes

Look we are failing to see the whole point, don't feel shamed that Linux can emulate(to a certain amount)Win7 or Mac.
No, feel proud that Linux can do this and much, much more, people make Win7 or Mac themes only because we can, because Linux can pull that off, you would never be able to make a Linux theme on windows, not even with Windows Blinds, or any theme software for Windows, and Mac just dies before entering the race, simply put Linux can do it, so why not? most users here are only Pure haters, truth be told Linux is the much more powerful than windows and Mac put together>PERIOD< But, really stop hating on the ability of Linux to emulate other OS, instead, say to any other MS user can Windows emulate Mac, or have thousands of different themes for it? Most surely that person would not be able to begin, same goes for a Mac user.
by seeing those fully functional themes I can only further see just how powerful Linux really is.
Remember Linux does it because it can, it's as simple as that.

I run a very operational Win7 theme that runs better on Linux than that on Windows.

Re: Re: Re: Re: More proof based on Linux func
Sep 13 2010  on group Linux is an OS

yea, like if software A made software B, then what software made A?
My question is based due to that software could not be created without a hardware.

Ok while writing this question the answer came to me, and answer is Binary,
Binary is simply on & off which is a basic electrical for of communication, the same would Apply when one tries to create a software, basically software A was created from hardware which was created by man with the most basic form of communication which is binary, Morse code is the same as binary "10101001" all that was need to create was an interpreter.
I do not know how true this is but this was all from logical thinking, let me know if I'm right or wrong.

Re: Re: More proof based on Linux func
Sep 13 2010  on group Linux is an OS

This is very interesting(I'm regretting dropping from college) but mainly so long as you know what architecture is supported you may upgrade/change motherboards and such components as long as the kernel has the drivers for it, otherwise you will have to compile the kernel to support such hardware, this is new to me that we can compile the kernel and such.
I have a question(it's unrelated to the subject) if a software is needed to create another software how was the first software created?
Also I have found this comparison between MS and Linux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Windows_and_Linux

Sep 11 2010  on group Linux is an OS

Lol, it's not a belief if it's a fact, the ones believing otherwise are the others that think this it is NOT an OS, simply because they can't understand how an OS operates.


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