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looks nice!
Sep 16 2010  on content Blue Sparks - Emerald window theme

I like it! I also like your desktop, especially the dock. Out of curiosity is that dock you're using just a screenlet or is it a modified theme of one of the many actual docks out there?

Purple... no joke!
Aug 31 2010  on content Simple Purple

Wow, that is really purple! Haha. I'm not a huge fan of Ubuntu's switch to purple but I am a fan of your notification theme and the transparency you've got in there. Keep up the good work! ;)

May 31 2010  on content WoW

Finally a very nice theme for Gnome! There are a number of issues I would like to report and some suggestions to give though. Note I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and of course these may or may not appear in other distros or releases.

1) I would prefer 32x32px icons in the menus like most themes have.
2) The clock applet has rounded edges which is awesome but the hard, rectangular edges still exist on the outside. It would be awesome if you could get rid of these outer, rectangular edges.
3) The volume menu in Ubuntu Lucid is having some issues with the background colour of the slider not matching the black menu.
4) The theme by default seems to refer to an icon theme which you probably have on your computer but that no one else has by default and which doesn't seem to be included in the folder with your theme. Perhaps you could at least add another link to your gnome-look page linking to where that icon set can be downloaded from?
5) On Nautilus and nautilus-like apps a little rounded arrow looking thing shows up in the lower right corner in the location where you would drag the window to enlarge it. I don't know if it is there intentionally or not but my opinion, for what its worth, is that it would look a lot nicer not having anything there.
6) Also in Nautilus when you click on the 'Icon View' tab its menu is a black menu like all the rest of the system menus. This seems to be a common issue in all dark themes I've seen so far. If it would be possible to change just that specific nautilus 'menu' to something lighter that matches the greyish colour of the rest of that interface instead of having it be black I think it would look a lot better.
7) Would it be possible to make all the drop down menus rounded sort of like you did with the clock-applet? I have never seen it done but if you could I think it would look great for just the bottom two corners of all the menus to be rounded!

I love this theme though, it is great! I just hope that it can become even better! If you need any screenshots or clarifications from me let me know.

Thanks for such an awesome theme,


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