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Re: Re: Re: .
Dec 25 2009  on group Windows lovers

For VS, you can TRY to replace it with monodevelop, but I haven't worked with it much. I doubt it'd be an excellent replacement, but you can certainly give it a try. Heck, there's probably a Windows build you can take a stab with...

Re: Re: Re: Re: how i really feel
Dec 22 2009  on group Windows lovers

The amount of uninformed, be it accidental or intentional, crud flying around here is astonishing. I was going to write a really long post discussing things like 3ddesktop, Xerox Alto, NeXTStep (by NeXT), and the inherent differences between compromising a UNIX system and a Windows system (I mean, seriously, Windows viruses SPREAD THEMSELVES. You usually have to put some serious effort into getting a virus onto any sort of UNIX system! And who wouldn't want to take control of an entire datacenter or server farm that's tied into the backbone? Seriously! That'd make for a MASSIVELY powerful addition to a botnet!), but then I realized that no one would actually listen, and would instead continue their bickering over what is these days really a matter of personal choice.

I mean, seriously, I haven't done anything in the past several years of college that truly REQUIRED Windows. Gaming can be accomplished on a console, or on Linux whenever the developer decides to port their game over (note that many of the big-name engines actually HAVE Linux ports). IM works fine. Web browsing works fine. Doing my computer science homework has worked fine, too. Except that one time that one professor wanted to show us how to write GUIs in MFC. I finished an effective clone of what he was doing in Qt using KDevelop before he was even halfway done, and I'd never even used Qt before. He'd been using MFC for around nine or ten years at that point.

Anyway, I've rambled my bit. I'm sure that a rational debate would be possible, but the truth is that most of the difference I see these days, when I actually step back and look at things from an outside perspective, break down as follows:

More games are programmed for Windows.
More people use Windows.
Most people have never used, or tried, anything other than Windows.
Many people who have had to use my computer when it is running Linux have found it to be quite acceptable for their needs.
Most people probably wouldn't care what operating system they were running, as long as they could watch YouTube, listen to their music, and check their e-mail.

To quote Homestar Runner...



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