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Jun 26 2008  on content EarthDesktop

You have done it just before I could!! XD
You've done well, voted good :)

Jun 11 2008  on group Improved Website Layout

Of course it has to get its own "personality", I did not mean that it should become a rip-off of something else :)

But if someone else has done something right, then we shouldn't be afraid of learning from it. I don't say: "let's copy xxxx", but I say "if xxxx does it better than we do, we should take it as an example to follow".

I just made the name of DeviantART because I think that it's one of those sites that does it right. :)

May 28 2008  on group Improved Website Layout

You can do it if your wallpapers are not directly hosted on *-Look: in that case you have to specify the link to your work (that resides on a different site), and you can specify more than one (so you can link different submissions to the same page).

Often you have to do so, because of the size limit of the submission.

Isn't it easy enough? Well, probably no, you are right. :)

I don't argue about the size limit, but limited hardware resources doesn't mean limited site quality...
The size limit is not a big deal to me, but the overall interface can (must!) be made simpler and more "rational".
So can be the submission form too, of course.

May 28 2008  on group Improved Website Layout



Now to the constructive comments...

Please, understand that the visual impact may not seem that relevant to many,
but it actually is one of the most important (maybe *THE* most important) factors of the "appeal" that an operating system has towards the users. Especially to newcomers, to "normal people" wanting to try something that's not Windows.

OpenDesktop.org and all of its satellite sites are almost the only place where you can change the look of a Linux desktop and believe: it's a very very important pillar to the community.
Sorry, but I don't like it as it is now and I think that Linux users deserve more than what these sites are offering right now.

Here is the list of what I dislike the most about the actual situation.

1) The overall layout of the site should be slimmed down, made simpler to browse, graphically polished and generally refreshed.
Sorry, I don't like to tell so, but... I think that it should be rewritten from blank.

1,5) Take a look to other excellent sites out there! Please, look at DeviantART to understand what I'm talkin' about, honestly :(

2) Make order to the layout so that more important things are more visible.
Let me make some example:
"Content" is well positioned (NW of the page), but it doesn't really "capture the eye". It only has the same visibility of every other list.
"People" is immediately underneath "Contents": nonsense. It's very less likely to be used.
"Status Message"... what's that? It's hard to see, it looks like a blank and unused space, and now that I've seen it, I don't care about it...
And then "News", "Links", "Forum"...
Forum (the community) is clearly far more important than "People" but it's hidden so far, down to the bottom of the page, that probably most people don't even know about the existence of a community in here...

2.5) All of these areas can safely be removed from the front page.
They can be accessed on demand from the bar on top of the screen ("Home", "Add Content" etc.)

3) The contents uploaded should be CONTROLLED, seriously!
Be careful: I DON'T MEAN that my stuff should be refused if moderators don't like it (as it happens on wincustomize.com).
I MEAN that I get very, VERY bad when I see people making 10 different uploads of the same wallpaper, 1 upload every different size. 10 uploads of the same cursor theme: one color each upload. Just a waste of space and resources. And very annoying, honestly.

4) Improve the categories subdivision.
"Brainstorm", "Screenshots", "Contests", "Improvements" and "KDE Everywhere" have *NOTHING* to share with other contents. They should be put apart.

5) A preview of an upcoming icon theme IS NOT an icon theme.
A sparse, single icon of Amarok is not an icon theme.
A mix of several icon themes all packed together is not a genuine icon theme.
They shouldn't have the same relevance and hilight of a true icon theme.

5.5) It would be nice if contents could be correlated each other, if needed.
There is plenty of Murrine color schemes filling Gnome-look.
They are not gtk-themes. At least they are not if the Murrine engine is, and vice-versa.
It would be smart if you could find the Murrine Engine listed in it's category and Murrine color schemes listed in a sub-category of Murrine, or somewhere else, but clearly referred to the Murrine engine.
Another example: take an addon icon for NuoveXT icon theme (say a new icon for CCSM for NuoveXT): it should not be listed aside of other icon themes as it's not, but it should be very clear that it's a completion for NuoveXT.

6) Good contents, good artists, popular stuff and so on should be promoted and put in evidence.
Look at DeviantART: it's homepage is nothing but an exposition of newest contents, most popular contents, daily featured prints and daily featured deviations. Made simpler: evidence to what's good.
When I open DeviantART I always see beautiful works, always something interesting and curious.
When I open KDE-Look I often see nothing but a half of the page filled by 6 wallpapers that actually are just the same wallpaper in 6 different sizes.

7) Categories like "Cliparts", "Bootsplash", "X11 Mouse themes", "Fonts" and "Wallpapers" are not really related to one desktop instead of another.
It's not smart that I have to upload my fresh wallpaper 3 times (once to KDE-Look, once to Gnome-Look and once to Compiz-Themes).
I would put all these kinds of contents somewhere else, and then I would make them easily reachable from within all the *-Look sites.

8) Thumbnails of the works are often too small to be usable. You always have to open the page of the submission and then open the preview, if any...

9) Author's comment and synthetic description of the submitted content work better if not put together. This distinction should be encouraged, and can help in finding what you are looking for.
Tags and/or keywords are also extremely useful in this sense.
Obviously, the search engine should be aware of this kind of information.

10) KDE 3 and KDE 4 are too different, I believe.
And KDE 3 isn't going to die soon.
I think it's better to have two different sites, one for each desktop: KDE-Look starts to be over-populated by every kind of stuff.


I don't see the point in having Beryl-Themes.org still out there!
And I don't see the point in having categories like "beryl-skydome" or worse "beryl-wallpaper" to chose from when I want to submit my work.


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