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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Nov 14 2010 20:00More characters, I'd add to *my* layout: ⚖⚓⚠☎™ …now just to figure out The Best Way™ to do it.
Nov 14 2010 18:30Wow, it seems on #27C3 there will be an awesome techie talk on what's wrong with the #PDF specification: http://ur1.ca/2ci4x → !FSFE
Nov 14 2010 16:30Hmmm, I'll probably have to hack my keyboard layout to include (at least) these chars: ❤ … § ”
Nov 14 2010 16:30♫ The best Days of my Life by The Kyoto Connection on 2010-10 / Oktober 2010 → I ❤ awesome retro !ccmusic from !Jamendo: http://ur1.ca/2chbo
Nov 14 2010 16:01After a horrible experience trying to spot two decent songs on three MTV channels in one hour, I'm back to my sweet !CCmusic
Nov 14 2010 01:31I miss *.themes.org :( …the current theme hosting on #OpenDesktop etc. are just not as concise. #GoodTimes
Nov 14 2010 01:15I wonder how !ownCloud handles backups right now (in 1.1)…
Nov 14 2010 00:46Why #swpat were a stupid and counter-productive idea in the 90's (and are increasingly so!); fixed link: http://nd.gd/aw
Nov 13 2010 23:46Why #swpat were a stupid and counter-productive idea in the 90's (and are increasingly so!): http://ur1.ca/2cbam
Nov 13 2010 23:31♫ Sid der Liedermacher - Fuck Sony Entertainment → http://ur1.ca/2cb8o !ccmusic; 'nuff said :3
Nov 13 2010 22:00Free Music Charts: http://ur1.ca/2carx → better then any charts I've heard on MTV or radio in the past decade or so! !ccmusic
Nov 13 2010 22:00#ACTA — an outdated agreement that if enacted will only get us back into the 80's: http://ur1.ca/2caos
Nov 13 2010 21:45Upgrading !DDWRT on my #WRT160NL seems to have fixed most of my problems, but there's still a hiccups here or there. Me like :3
Nov 13 2010 20:45Slowly !studteaing transport law with an overcooked cuppa Darjeeling !tea and a cut finger → not a good day for science :(
Nov 13 2010 16:30Benefit of being a keyboard jokey: even when you cut your index finger, you can still use the computer. #TryThatWithMouse
Nov 12 2010 19:01Asked how citizens and NGOs can access the #EP; C.E.: best way comment my blog, e-mail; T.F.: e-mail, I started to organise topic meetups.
Nov 12 2010 19:01Christian Engström: "Being an EP is beign a link between the #EU executive and citizens" Yes, that's the point of democracy! → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 19:01Asked how #EP can influence on #ACTA?; Christian Engström: #EP will have to give consent (or not). → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 18:45Tanja Fajon: Big #EU issue is that local media doesn't report on it as much as on (minor) local issues. → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 18:45Just when I need it most the !choqok + identi.ca combo fails me :P
Nov 12 2010 18:30Tanja Fajon: "#EU puts an immense amount of money to be as open as possible." → Why not use open formats?!? → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 18:30Christian Engström: We need to figure out how to change #copyright; so far all plans failed. → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 18:30My Q on whether #EU considers *how* and *when* #copyright came to be when changing the law, was maily unanswered :( → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 18:16The debate about #EU, #copyright, #patents, #privacy continues on: http://ur1.ca/2bzn3 → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 18:02Tanja Fajon and Christian Engström do not agree about whether ISP should be involved in filtering or crime prevention → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 18:02Christian Engström: Google #StreetView is currently not the biggest threat to #privacy in #EU, it's the governments → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 17:46Round table "Is Internet becoming the most powerful force in the European Union?" also available online: http://ur1.ca/2bzn3 → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 17:46RT @glynmoody India mandates "royalty-free" open standards - http://bit.ly/9CgrpD now the EU should follow suit #india #openstandards #eif
Nov 12 2010 17:46Tanja Fajon, MEP and Christian Engström, MEP start via Skype.
Nov 12 2010 17:46Tanja Fajon, MEP: current state when everyone has access in important and should be kept. → !FSFE

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