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May 6 2009  on content Ubuntu 9.04 - Jaunty Jackalope CD Labels

Having grown up in the American West, I've heard tales of the mighty Jackalope all my life.

I have to insist that a proper jackalope has visible antlers.

The graphic on the label—nice as it may be—is just a rabbit.


Re: Change Icons
May 6 2009  on Discussion

That is a good question. I think it has much to do with the change to KDE 4.2 over the old KDE 3.5.9.

So much more was exposed and accessible in kde3, but with kde4 it has being kept "behind the curtain".

My first idea was to go through file-properties and see if it still allows customization. It doesn't... it allows technical changes to the file-type and behavior of applications, but not the appearance of the icon(s).

My only other idea is to duplicate an existing KDE icon-theme; re-name the copy so you can go through and change the icons as you like. When you're done, just select the new icon-theme and it will be your own!

I have learned that kde4 cursor-themes will automatically be found in ~/.icons ...but I do not yet know if this works for system-icons as well?

Does anyone know of a reliable resource for this?

Re: HELP!-Can't Launch Programme
May 6 2009  on Discussion

Files with the .kmdr extension belong to Kommander, a tool for building GUI interfaces. You will have to use Kommander to interpret that "document".

According to the information I found, you need to use kmdr-executor to load the file. Summon a konsole to use the command line, or you can use the so-called "miniCLI" by pressing Alt+F2. (the miniCLI doesn't provide tab-completion like Konsole does)

That should at least show you what the file does, but it's no guarantee that it will do what it claims.

Best of luck,


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