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developer public
Linux Systems Developer
Name:Rob H (m)
company / project:Linux Systems Developer
Birthday:Dec 6 1967
Job status:working
Open country scenes.
Art and Photography.
Home cooking.
Don't likes:
Those who take choice to be critical of things they know little or nothing about!
Custom Build Computers.
I always enjoy building my own computer systems, that way, I know what goes into them.. and get the best performance for the least cost. Then, install Linux on them :)

Home Cooking
In the same way as building computers, I gather the required ingredients, then make something wonderful. Again, I know what goes into the finished product, and what one gets out from it.

A long term interest dating back to early nineties. Still learning new tricks and ideas today :)

My main focus is portrature and nature, though I venture into other artistic areas. Recently, I began looking at LP (light painting) to expand my creativity.

When it comes to adding effects to photos, I prefer to do so when taking the shot, making use of off-camera flash units and strobes among other tools. Leaving any post editing for framing. Naturally, there are times when GIMP is used for major creativity. Generally, I like to be at one with the camera and subject... not the keyboard and mouse :)
Programming languages:
xml, php, perl. Python, C++, lisp.
Favourite quote:
If its not broken, fix it until it is.
Favourite music:
Jazz, Blues, Rock and Metal
Favourite movies:
Xtro, Alien, Doomsday and most other SiFi movies.
Favourite books:
The Perl Cookbook
Favourite games:
Life it self has to be the best and most interesting game... there are so many unpredictable players involved.
About me:
Developer since 1994, also spending time on sys admin. All my work, has been within Unix/Linux based environments.

Unfortunately, I have been ill for some time, so have had to back away from some of my work. Hence no uploads here. Hopefully, I will see an improvement in the near future, with my current health situation.
Email:Contact hostmaster2
Registered:Jul 4 2009
Last visit:Jan 13 2016
My PC:
At Home:
As of April 2013, My latest Custom Build.

Processor: Overclocked (slightly) Core i7 Quad-Core..

Full custom liquid cooling loop, for the processor and graphics card :D

Memory: 32GB DDR3

Graphics: GeForce GTX 670 Graphics Card (3GB)

SSDs: Corsair Force Series 3 (240GB) x1

HDDs: Seagate Barracuda (2TB) x2

OS: openSUSE 12.3

Monitor: 24in Full HD Widescreen
Operating System:
At Home:
System One:
openSUSE 12.3 - KDE 4.10 and XFCE 4.10

At Work:
Work Stations:
openSUSE 12.3 - KDE 4.10 and XFCE 4.10

openSUSE 12.2

openSUSE Users
Stop ridiculous updating.

Jun 25 2011 19:19hostmaster2 voted content "Friendly Dark" up
Jun 25 2011 02:42hostmaster2 voted content "Old Boat" up
Jun 23 2011 21:04hostmaster2 voted content "Fire" down
Jun 23 2011 21:04hostmaster2 voted content "Atom" down
Jun 23 2011 21:03hostmaster2 voted content "Shneke" down
Jun 23 2011 21:02hostmaster2 voted content "Eye" down
Jun 23 2011 20:59hostmaster2 voted content "Stream" up
Jun 23 2011 20:58hostmaster2 voted content "Stream" up
Jun 23 2011 20:57hostmaster2 voted content "Stream" up
Jun 23 2011 20:56hostmaster2 voted content "Buetzow church" up
Jun 20 2011 04:56hostmaster2 posted a comment "Re: Another good work"
Jun 20 2011 04:48hostmaster2 has updated the profile page.
Jun 20 2011 04:44hostmaster2 voted content "Blue Love 4 different resolutions" up
Jun 19 2011 05:37hostmaster2 voted content "Rekonar Story" up
Jun 19 2011 05:33hostmaster2 posted a comment "Another good work"
Jun 19 2011 05:27hostmaster2 voted content "Beyond The Limits 4 different resolution" up
Jun 15 2011 18:06hostmaster2 is now fan of "Plexi"
Jun 15 2011 03:27hostmaster2 voted content "OpenSuse-CK" up
Jun 10 2011 16:24hostmaster2 voted content "Glow Pack" up
Jun 8 2011 14:50hostmaster2 voted content "One Pixel Title" up
Jun 8 2011 14:46hostmaster2 voted content "Plexi" up
May 14 2011 14:05hostmaster2 voted content "OpenSUSE" up
May 14 2011 14:02hostmaster2 voted content "OpenSUSE 2 (B&W Version)" up
Apr 27 2011 02:48hostmaster2 has updated the profile page.
Apr 10 2011 19:50hostmaster2 voted content "OpenSUSE Nebula" up
Apr 3 2011 07:09hostmaster2 voted content "Dark Monk" up
Apr 1 2011 03:42hostmaster2 voted content "Sea" up
Apr 1 2011 03:40hostmaster2 voted content "Wolf in sheep's clothing" up
Mar 30 2011 01:03hostmaster2 voted content "Dairy Oceans" up
Mar 29 2011 03:52hostmaster2 is now fan of "plasmaMailChecker"

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Contact hostmaster2
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