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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Nov 25 2010 15:45Dutch Artists Groups Propose Full Legalization of #P2P: http://is.gd/hLtZo
Nov 25 2010 14:47RT @glynmoody India: A "Special" Copyright Victory for the Disabled - http://bit.ly/gauh4l pity EU & US don't have the same compassion # ...
Nov 25 2010 14:47RT @glynmoody A simple change in the law could open up online access to the BBC's archives - http://bit.ly/hTW3vB great idea (via @Josce ...
Nov 25 2010 14:47RT @glynmoody UK Police to get greater web censorship powers - http://bit.ly/hw0gOV hey, people, this is bad: I think we should be shout ...
Nov 25 2010 10:30Old poor widow across the street can't keep warm even after checking all garbage bins for firewood. Maybe time to activate my #scouts again!
Nov 24 2010 23:30RT @carlopiana ♻ @schestowitz How the #TSA is thinking [cartoon] http://is.gd/hICGS (Tom the Dancing Bug: A Security Issue at the Office ...
Nov 24 2010 21:45Plato already wanted to ban remixing of music (and gymnastics) because it would endanger the State: http://is.gd/hICVk
Nov 24 2010 19:31RT @glynmoody European Parliament fails citizens over ACTA - http://bit.ly/fPqzdC obviously forgotten who votes for them #acta #ep
Nov 24 2010 11:00À propos Daft Punk — there's pretty good similar !CCmusic artist I just found on !Jamendo called BertycoX: http://is.gd/hGSqk
Nov 24 2010 10:46RT @glynmoody KDE Experts Needed for EU Research Project - http://bit.ly/dVRKMf "to assist research on free & open source software colla ...
Nov 24 2010 08:31RT @glynmoody ACTA: Will The EU Parliament Give Up its Power? - http://bit.ly/gvx2FX let's hope not #eu #acta
Nov 23 2010 14:30RT @carlopiana ♺ @greve: RT @aseigo awesome new word for the day: "fudback" -> FUD disguised as constructive feedback. ;)
Nov 23 2010 14:30RT @glynmoody RT @DaHammerstein #ACTA resolution proposal of socialists, greens & liberals to be voted tomorrow. ASk MEP to support! htt ...
Nov 22 2010 17:30Interesting fact: #ICQ was invented because on #Windows people didn't have IM, while on #Unix they already did: http://is.gd/hyp0P
Nov 22 2010 17:30Open letter against #ACTA from #FFII to the #EP: http://is.gd/hAWHF ; #EU
Nov 22 2010 00:00#IRC was used during 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt after media blackout http://is.gd/hyocS …And we still have to fight for net neutrality?
Nov 21 2010 22:00!Studteaing with a bloody well deserved China Oolong !tea.
Nov 21 2010 18:00Oddly enough, #MSN / Windows Live actually lets you delete your account and that option is reasonably easy to find.
Nov 21 2010 17:45From mentioned #IM protocols in #ICQ you *cannot* delete your account, #AIM won't let me and in #Yahoo I can't find out how either. #FAIL
Nov 21 2010 17:30Stopped using #AIM, #ICQ and #YIM …now there's only #MSN left to get rid off :P
Nov 21 2010 16:00WFF?!?! You cannot delete your account in #ICQ??? I'm *so* completely moving to #XMPP/#Jabber. This proprietary shit's sick!
Nov 21 2010 14:45Why do old ladies never wear their hair shoulder-long or longer? #biological or #social reason? #RandomMoment
Nov 21 2010 14:42H00K voted content "Damn you, Murphy!" down
Nov 20 2010 23:30Should I use HTB or HFSC as the packet scheduler on my !DDWRT router? Any noob-friendly explanation for which does what?
Nov 20 2010 23:00Now, *that* is merchendise for the geek — NanowaR (!Jamendo !CCmusic #gay #metal) offers a NanowaR-pimped Qi NanoNote: http://is.gd/huWlj ❤☠
Nov 20 2010 21:00RT @glynmoody ACTA: damp squid or mutant octopus? - http://bit.ly/dklmvG good points why it's still bad news for developing countries #acta
Nov 20 2010 19:15Really extrodinary day for seeding #ogg albums on !Jamendo — already seeded full 5 of them! More people should use torrent+ogg :\
Nov 20 2010 19:01!Studteaing transport law with a cheap Twinnings gunpowder green !tea. Life could be worse :]
Nov 20 2010 18:30Today seeding !Jamendo's !CCmusic is quite active — I've already seeded *three* albums in #ogg format! :D
Nov 20 2010 18:00RT @bblfish Help debug Wireshark so we can have #SSL everywhere to defeat #firesheep . Vote for http://bit.ly/cEBP9y so we can debug #CM ...

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