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Name:Marek Ś. (m)
Birthday:Sep 28 1986
Job status:looking for a job
Country:Lublin, Poland
Riding a bike
And, of course... Linux and Open Source
Don't likes:
Stupidity of some of us...
Polish an english, but also not so bad german
Programming languages:
None :(
Favourite quote:
Whoever you might be to the world
You are the world to me
--Fateborn - Breathing
Favourite music:
Almost every kind of metal and rock
Favourite tv shows:
Family Guy, American Dad, House MD, Californication, Married with children, Dexter, X-Files and many, many more...
Favourite movies:
A lot
Favourite books:
Stephen King, Dmitry Głukhowsky, Andrzej Pilipiuk, Tom Clancy, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham...
Favourite games:
F.E.A.R. , Crysis, Max Payne, Mafia, GTA, Battlefield, etc...
Email:Contact msledziona
Messenger:Gadu-Gadu 6132513
Registered:Mar 19 2007
Last visit:Jun 16 2016
My PC:
CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K @ 4.4GHz
Graphics card: Gigabyte GTX 670 OC Windforce x3 2GB
System memory: 2x4GB Corsair Vengeance LP @ 1866MHz
Motherboard: ASRock Z77 Extreme4
HDD 0: WD Black 1TB 32MB cache / SATA
HDD 1: Seagate Barracuda 500GB 32MB cache / SATA
HDD 2: WD Green 1TB 32MB cache / SATA (from WD Elements Desktop 1TB)
Case: Antec Three Hundred (a little bit modded ;) )

CPU: Intel Core2Duo E7600@3.86 GHz
Graphics card: Radeon HD4890
System memory: 2x2GB Patriot
Motherboard: Gigabyte EP45-UD3LR
HDD 0: WD Caviar Black 1TB 32MB cache / SATA
HDD 1: Seagate Barracuda 500GB 32MB cache / SATA
HDD 2: WD Elements Desktop 1TB
Case: Antec Three Hundred (a little bit modded ;) )

CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2400+
Graphics card: GeForce 7300GT
System memory: 2x512 MB Kingston
Motherboard: ASRock K7NF2-RAID
HDD 0: WD Caviar Black 1TB 32MB cache / SATA
HDD 1: Seagate Barracuda 500GB 32MB cache / SATA
HDD 2: Seagate Barracuda 80GB 8MB cache / ATA133
Operating System:
openSUSE 12.3 x86_64

Nov 6 2010 03:32msledziona is now fan of "Smooth Tasks"
Oct 26 2010 15:32msledziona is now fan of "Kituu - My fancy .bashrc"
Oct 19 2010 11:54msledziona voted content "Now Rocking" up
Oct 19 2010 11:54msledziona is now fan of "Now Rocking"
Oct 16 2010 18:32msledziona is now fan of "Additional SysTray Icons"
Oct 16 2010 18:32msledziona is now fan of "Amarok Systray Icon (KDE 4.5)"
Jul 16 2010 10:06msledziona is now fan of "klastfm"
Jun 21 2010 21:58msledziona is now fan of "Mib Ossigeno"
May 17 2010 12:34msledziona is now fan of "KDE Menubar Button"
May 15 2010 12:55msledziona is now fan of "DigiKam UI mockups"
May 3 2010 20:35msledziona is now fan of "Modified pixbuf for OxygenMolecule theme"
Apr 13 2010 11:11msledziona is now fan of "Oxygen Folders (countries & fun)"
Apr 12 2010 07:32msledziona is now fan of "YDPDict"
Apr 8 2010 22:13msledziona is now fan of "Button "Sort by""
Mar 30 2010 10:32msledziona is now fan of "Veromix - A Pulseaudio volume control"
Mar 25 2010 07:50msledziona is now fan of "uhm.. domino anyone?"
Mar 13 2010 17:53msledziona is now fan of "Phonon System Mixer"
Feb 23 2010 09:24msledziona is now fan of "WiFi Mock"
Feb 22 2010 17:30msledziona is now fan of "Chromi"
Feb 19 2010 10:06msledziona is now fan of "Amarok Fullscreen"
Feb 19 2010 08:32msledziona is now fan of "Stickers for all Distros"
Feb 18 2010 23:27msledziona is now fan of "Leo-like-bespin pack"
Feb 18 2010 11:45msledziona is now fan of "Avant [Pretty Please REQUEST!]"
Feb 15 2010 08:44msledziona is now fan of "Oxygen KDE (Firefox Theme)"
Feb 13 2010 01:27msledziona is now fan of "Smooth Tasks"
Feb 8 2010 15:57msledziona is now fan of "Video Preview Thumbnails"
Feb 8 2010 12:51msledziona is now fan of "Oxygen-Molecule KDE & GTK+ unified theme"
Feb 8 2010 12:23msledziona is now fan of "iLike"
Feb 7 2010 18:44msledziona is now fan of "PublicTransport"
Feb 7 2010 12:59msledziona is now fan of "Unified Theme Settings"

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Contact msledziona
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