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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
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Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Dec 10 2010 10:15RT @glynmoody Ex-WikiLeaker Explains His Spinoff Group, OpenLeaks - http://bit.ly/eTUZBL sounds rather interesting #wikileaks #openleaks
Dec 9 2010 23:45ACS:Law takes #P2P users to court, fails miserably: http://is.gd/isHSn
Dec 9 2010 21:15RT @flameeyes ♺ @mairin: flash can suck it! http://www.spritely.net
Dec 9 2010 15:15#Amazon thinks #WikiLeaks too sensitive to host it, but still sells it as an ebook: http://is.gd/irrnC ; nice move ;)
Dec 9 2010 09:30RT @kirschner ♻ @greve: EC wriggles on huge software contract after !FSFE criticism - excellent, detailed article http://ur1.ca/2j513 #p ...
Dec 9 2010 00:15RT @glynmoody RT @DaHammerstein US Embassy to the EU promises to inform EU on nature of #ACTA in US . De Gucht: A binding treaty. US dou ...
Dec 8 2010 20:15#EDRi on #privacy and data retention in #EU "What the European Commission owes 500 million Europeans" http://is.gd/iokG5
Dec 8 2010 20:15RT @karsten "no robust empirical evidence that stronger patent rights stimulate growth", sez #WIPO study http://ur1.ca/2j474 Times a'cha ...
Dec 8 2010 15:15RT @glynmoody Please Participate in the “State of #Mozilla” Survey - http://bit.ly/evlLe4 Chief Lizard Wrangler wants your views (anon, ...
Dec 8 2010 15:01!Gentoo becomes an #OIN licensee http://is.gd/ioi2k #swpats → !FSFE
Dec 8 2010 11:15I can well imagine District Judge Howard Riddle didn't sleep well tonight…
Dec 8 2010 00:45Anyone else from !GNUsocial on daisycha.in — I wouldn't mind getting in touch → http://hook.daisycha.in/
Dec 7 2010 20:02Monthly meeting of !Fellowship group #Slovenia starting in 15 minutes. Join us at Metropol or on http://is.gd/ilX9e
Dec 7 2010 19:45RT @carlopiana ♺ @lxoliva: ♻ @schestowitz: RT @StopActaNow: ACTA Final Version Dec 3rd http://is.gd/ijfU1 | don't forget, this is !important
Dec 7 2010 19:45RT @fsfe A rough deal for Europe: EC signs biggest-ever software contract http://ur1.ca/2isj4 #procurement #fail
Dec 7 2010 19:45RT @glynmoody Copyright reform is on the EU Commission’s agenda - http://bit.ly/h5zVjY pan-EU copyright licences and orphan works #copy ...
Dec 7 2010 14:46RT @royhugo ♺ @wikileaks @doctorow #imwikileaks #imassange Today Westminster Magistarte's Court meet 13:30 http://www.justiceforassange. ...
Dec 7 2010 14:46♻ @glynmoody: European Commission's software contract is a rough deal for Europe - http://bit.ly/hMl89D who needs transparency? #EU → !FSFE
Dec 6 2010 23:32RT @carlopiana ♺ @cdaffara: "No, Microsoft, you still don’t get it." My obs. on the recent interview with MS Vijay Rajagopalan. http://b ...
Dec 3 2010 10:15What worries me about #cablegate is how it will influence #ACTA and similar laws.
Dec 2 2010 20:30RT @glynmoody RT @NeelieKroesEU Knowledge grows when shared. Wider participation means better #science. http://www.openaire.eu #openacce ...
Dec 2 2010 15:00Businesses cry for reshaping laws in #Ireland to be more friendly for the digital economy: http://is.gd/i5R58
Dec 2 2010 13:30Please don't to hurt the #web. Use open standards! (image: CC-BY-NC Mozilla) #openstandards → !FSFE (please do ♺) http://ur1.ca/2hhak
Dec 2 2010 13:00RT @glynmoody EDRi speech to telecoms conference [pdf] - http://bit.ly/ekAgDB lots of sensible points #censorship
Dec 2 2010 00:00#Italian region Puglia asks for help to avoid vendor lock-in …oh, and it asks Microsoft → !FSFE
Dec 1 2010 23:00…monthly grooming for my ThinkPad in short ;)
Dec 1 2010 23:00Monthly cleaning up of laptop, emerge -DNuav --keep-alive world and checking out what's new in Portage :)
Dec 1 2010 19:30RT @carlopiana Wikileaks is a false target. People will #leak even after its shutting down. Remember deep throat and #watergate?
Dec 1 2010 19:30RT @bblfish Great Work! W3C #socialweb xg report http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/XGR-socialweb/
Dec 1 2010 19:30RT @glynmoody European Parliament: Who is For and Who is Against #ACTA? - http://bit.ly/gYmOGB witless UK #Labour #MEPs should hang thei ...

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