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supporter, Xfce-Look.cp1.hive01.com EDITOR
jospoortvlietjospoortvlie t
KDE, openSUSE, ownCloud
Name:Jos Poortvliet (m)
company / project:KDE, openSUSE, ownCloud
Birthday:Oct 2 1980
Job status:working
Country:Berlin, Germany
Google Maps
Green and Blue!
Bit of German, plenty of English and Dutch
Programming languages:
About me:
I work as community manager for ownCloud and have been Free Software evangelist for over 10 years. I was previously at SUSE and volunteer in marketing in the KDE community. My favorite pastime is experimenting in the kitchen, trying to come up with something edible.
Email:Contact jospoortvliet
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:jospoortvliet
Channels:#opensuse-project #kde-promo #owncloud #owncloud-dev
GPG Key:public GPG key
Registered:May 10 2009
Last visit:Jan 11 2016
Operating System:
Linux, Linux and Linux...

Dec 7 2013 15:01Summit, Con, Release...
Nov 11 2013 10:31Skype on openSUSE 13.1
Oct 31 2013 14:01Living in Berlin? The Geeko comes to you!
Sep 25 2013 16:01Communication around Frameworks 5
Sep 20 2013 21:00Giving constructive feedback
Aug 27 2013 14:31Silverstone FT03mini, Intel Haswell and Linux
Aug 25 2013 18:02On Distributions, Numbers and Breaking Prism
Aug 19 2013 17:01Basic Usability Testing at Home - notes from the workshop at Akademy 2013
Aug 16 2013 14:31Help KDE Communicate Frameworks 5 and the Future of KDE!
Aug 6 2013 10:01using software.opensuse.org
Aug 2 2013 13:01oSC13, Strategy and Stable
Jul 31 2013 15:31oSC13, Strategy and Factory
Jul 20 2013 19:01Akademy and openSUSE Conference
Jun 30 2013 17:09jospoortvliet voted content "Time Keeper" up
Jun 27 2013 14:00Why should you participate in GSOC as mentor?
Jun 27 2013 14:00On Innovation, Free Software, NIH, Geary, Trojita and KDE PIM
Jun 27 2013 14:00Building for your version of openSUSE in 5 simple steps!
Jun 27 2013 14:00Consensus decision making
Jun 27 2013 14:00LinuxTag Awesomeness!
Jun 27 2013 14:00Getting involved in Free Software
Jun 27 2013 14:00openSUSE at LinuxTag 2013
Jun 27 2013 14:00Akademy for everybody
Jun 27 2013 14:00oSC2013 next!
Jun 27 2013 14:00Debugging a system without desktop
Jun 27 2013 12:48jospoortvliet has updated the profile photo.
Jun 27 2013 12:47jospoortvliet has updated the profile page.
Jun 27 2013 12:43jospoortvliet posted a comment "awesome"
Mar 4 2013 09:34jospoortvliet posted a comment "good work :D"
Feb 26 2013 21:35jospoortvliet voted content "Fade Plasma Workspace" up
Feb 19 2013 18:33jospoortvliet posted a comment "Really"

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Contact jospoortvliet
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