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Name:Dimitrios Glentadakis (m)
Birthday:Nov 20 1974
Job status:working
Google Maps
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Greek, classic
Email:Contact dglent
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Registered:Sep 1 2007
Last visit:Jun 24 2016
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Mageia Linux - International

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Nov 16 2014 05:37dglent has updated: "meteo-qt"
Nov 4 2014 21:09dglent has uploaded: "meteo-qt"
Sep 29 2014 19:53dglent voted content "GrooveOff" up
Aug 7 2014 08:02dglent posted a comment "Re: Print Screen / SyS "
Aug 7 2014 07:50dglent posted a comment "Print Screen / SyS "
Jul 29 2014 06:54dglent posted a comment "systray application"
May 31 2014 11:43dglent voted content "Ascii Design" up
Apr 23 2014 20:17dglent posted a comment "Re: Site changed"
Apr 19 2014 07:17dglent voted content "Kvkbd" up
Apr 19 2014 07:17dglent has updated the profile page.

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