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user public
Name:Franko Burolo (m)
Birthday:Jan 19 1985
Job status:student
Country:Umag/Zagreb, Croatia
literature, good music, visual arts, rebel songs, manga and anime, hanging out with friends, social drinking, GNU, Linux, Xfce, Gnome, Unity, FOSS, Free (Open) Culture, anarchy, freedom, peace, etc.
Don't likes:
fascism, national socialism, bolshevism, bad music, Microsoft, Windows, Apple, Mac OS X, DRM, social control, oppression, repression, censorship, police, state, capitalism etc.
croatian, italian, slovene, english
+ passively a little bit od this and a little bit of that indo-european language.
Favourite quote:
\"Omnia sunt communia.\"

Thomas Müntzer
Favourite music:
experimental, chansons, punk, digital hardcore, 8 bit, some house, the japanese so called \"P-wave\", some J-rock, hip-hop (but not that MTV bullsh*t), rebel songs, new wave, dark wave, some new romantic, post punk, old school electronics etc.
Favourite tv shows:
One Piece, Star Trek, Dead Like Me, Pollon, etc...
Favourite movies:
23, La haine, Sacco and Vanzetti, Rosemary\'s Baby, Tickets for the Zoo, Mystery Train, Lavorare con lentezza, 25th Hour. Doggy Poo, etc.
Favourite books:
Illuminatus! trilogy (by R. Shea and R.A. Wilson), Alamut (by V. Bartol), Prokleta avlija (The Damn Yard) (by I. Andrić), Mansarda (by D. Kiš), Q (by L. Blissett), Žert (Joke) (by M. Kundera), etc...
Favourite games:
Septerra Core, Neverwinter Nights, Tetris, Final Fantasy (till 8), etc.
Email:Contact bubi
Registered:Nov 16 2008
Last visit:Jun 2 2016
My PC:
HP Compaq 6820s
Operating System:

Apple Haters
FOSS Economy
GLINUA (Gnome-Look Is Not Ubuntu-Art)

Aug 19 2009 16:43bubi has joined the group "Apple Haters"
Jul 13 2009 01:40bubi has joined the group "Windows Haters"

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Contact bubi
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