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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
Google Maps
Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Jun 23 2010 12:45I'd *love* to see a global shortcut to pop up the #Choqok window. (and/or and advanced Plasmoid for it). #keyboardjockey > #mousejockey ;)
Jun 23 2010 12:30♻ @carlopiana: RT @rms: Urgent: help #WikiLeaks http://ur1.ca/0bhi2
Jun 21 2010 19:00Statements you can sign against !ACTA → from PIJP: http://is.gd/cXPC1 ; from FSF: http://is.gd/cXQ7j
Jun 21 2010 17:45How do I disable word-wrapping in !ConTeXt for just one word/abbrevation?
Jun 21 2010 17:45In !ConTeXt is there a special character or option to show (in print) the end of the document?
Jun 20 2010 19:30Another great #blues #rock gem of !CCmusic from !Jamendo → "Crete Boom - Sleeper" from album: Ne'er Do Well http://is.gd/cWDRh
Jun 20 2010 16:30Burned finger while making !tea in the morning. Typing my CV now 9-fingered. BTW !ConTeXt is awesomer by each day I use it :]
Jun 19 2010 21:45!ConText. Found it: \high{}
Jun 19 2010 21:30How do you call superscript in !ConTeXt?
Jun 18 2010 23:15Flashed my #Cisco/#Linksys #WRT160NL with #DD-WRT → epic win! :D http://wrt160nl.org/
Jun 18 2010 23:15How can I (force) emerge a -9999 ebuild on !Gentoo if it has a different file size as recorded?
Jun 18 2010 21:45From all the mad dents I suppose that #football fans in the #USA don't know what an offside is. #fifa #worldcup2010
Jun 18 2010 15:30♻ @glynmoody: EU's Standard Failure on Standards - http://bit.ly/dbAhvL disgraceful bias against #opensource #standards #eu → !FSFE
Jun 17 2010 18:45Changing my !Gentoo back from -j3 to -j2 although I have a dual core CPU. I like my #ThinkPad colder then my !tea :P
Jun 17 2010 15:30♻ @glynmoody: Red Letter Day for ACTA in EU: Let's Use It - http://bit.ly/9UyBQg er, in the next hour... #acta #wd12 #eu → !FSFE
Jun 17 2010 14:30Not only danying #journalist the of freedom of speech, but also accusing of theft. Odd times in #FR — http://is.gd/cSI17
Jun 17 2010 01:00♻ @glynmoody: Support a firm, simple declaration against ACTA - http://bit.ly/bToG1T FSF declaration - you, too, can sign #fsf #acta
Jun 16 2010 17:25♻ @carlopiana: ♺ @techmeerkat: Every Google search 2B logged, saved for 2 years u/ new #EU MP plan - more #privacy #fail http://is.gd/cFDL6
Jun 16 2010 17:25hmmm, #bonsai mountains DO sound like an engulfing hobby. #discworld
Jun 16 2010 17:25♻ @carlopiana: ♺ @osamak: Please support and vote for replacing #Facebook with #identica in #FF "Getting Started" page. http://ur1.ca/06mjr
Jun 16 2010 17:25♻ @glynmoody: Brazilian court refuses to uphold foreign © lack of US reciprocity - http://bit.ly/9r8iqN (♻ @schestowitz @ruiseabra @lxoliva)
Jun 16 2010 17:25♻ @carlopiana: @fabricapo on Apple FaceTime http://bit.ly/doecD8 If his guess is accurate, v.scary (and he's frequently a good guesser) O_o
Jun 16 2010 17:25Heh, that's what using Linux does to you — restarting something is the *last* thing you consider trying ...just before taking it apart ;)
Jun 16 2010 17:25After restarting my #HP printer, printing works again on !Gentoo. My bad; stupid me. #HPLIP still doesn't print #PDF though :P
Mar 8 2010 00:27H00K has updated: "OpenHeads black"
Mar 7 2010 23:51H00K has uploaded: "OpenHeads black"
Nov 15 2009 14:44H00K and leinir are now friends.
Aug 20 2009 19:13H00K has updated: "White Emoticons that work"

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