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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
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Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Jul 11 2010 21:01For today I'm switching to decaf !tea (e.g. mate or herbal). Too much caffeine in the past days. Article FOSS vs. cloud is hard to write.
Jul 10 2010 13:00ᐅ funk rocks by Jimmy The Hideous Penguin on Beat Tape Owe Eight [Amarok]. !ccmusic Mmmm, #funk it up! XD
Jul 10 2010 02:30I just heard on irc://#owncloud@irc.freenode.net that P2P-like backups will be possible on !ownCloud → awesomazing! :D
Jul 10 2010 02:30Hmm, I should trademark "Awesomazing" ;)
Jul 10 2010 02:15As @openuniverse hinted, if !ownCloud's backup were to be a community P2P RAID-like system, it'd be awesomazing! :D
Jul 10 2010 01:45I'd love to see !ownCloud have a P2P-based encrypted backup over many instances, so if my HDD dies I can just back it up from others.
Jul 10 2010 01:31ᐅ free txts with every 20 euro credit by Jimmy The Hideous Penguin on Re-creation [Amarok]. Great, yummy #scratch !ccmusic
Jul 9 2010 17:46♻ @glynmoody: Lies, damn lies and the BSA - http://bit.ly/aoaSIk excellent analysis of the unreliability of BSA's #piracy figures #software
Jul 9 2010 15:00♻ @glynmoody: Assessment of the Orphan works issue and Costs for Rights Clearance [pdf] - http://bit.ly/9HcNwj → #copyright needs rethinking
Jul 8 2010 22:00ᐅ A New World by Tom Pi on [laridae055] Space Oddities [Amarok]. !ccmusic ← Nice #electronic music :3
Jul 8 2010 14:15Is there a reason why !Choqok eats up cca. 130 MiB od RAM (more then #Amarok)? O_o
Jul 8 2010 13:00♻ @glynmoody: EU comm. on digital media and the internet - http://bit.ly/beVWEN pushes FRAND: not good (via @NeelieKroesEU) #openstandards
Jul 7 2010 16:31♻ @glynmoody: 3 Million European Orphan Works and Counting! - http://bit.ly/dzMAs8 3x10^6 reasons why copyright is nuts
Jul 6 2010 18:30Oh, well ...off to hold the !Fellowship #Slovenia meeting :P
Jul 6 2010 12:15♻ @karsten: Last days to call your MEP and ask them to sign Written Declaration 12 against #ACTA http://ur1.ca/rdtf Deadline Thursday!
Jul 5 2010 18:15In dire need of #psychedelic #rock !ccmusic ...anyone know of any on !Jamendo or elsewhere?
Jul 5 2010 17:45♻ @glynmoody: #EU consultation - Unlocking potential of cultural and creative industries - http://bit.ly/a66Eo3 @schestowitz #ffii → !FSFE
Jul 5 2010 16:15My theory is #FOSS advocates are similar to #hippies → have you listened to "In the Year 2525" in 2010 yet? → http://is.gd/dg8gZ ; !FSFE
Jul 5 2010 14:00♻ @carlopiana: ♺ @jwildeboer: Hrmbl. Close to reality, innit guys? ;-) http://is.gd/dfZex | SOOOOO TRUE! XD
Jul 5 2010 00:11H00K has updated: "Linux New Media article highlighting"
Jul 4 2010 23:00Listening to Crete Boom (and others) from !Jamendo → great #blues #rock. I *MORE* 60's-like !ccmusic
Jul 4 2010 21:15Help get ignoring an e-mail thread using !KDE's #KMail work also via #IMAP → comment and vote: http://is.gd/dfhyK
Jul 3 2010 19:15♻ @karsten: Summary of this week's #ACTA negotiations http://ur1.ca/0ir6l Text secret again, things still look very bad #fsfe | SNAFU I say!
Jul 1 2010 18:45♻ @glynmoody: open letter calls for urgent rethink of patents and copyright - http://bit.ly/atz3VV only for orgs, apparently #acta → !FSFE
Jul 1 2010 16:30If anyone writes for !Linux New Media, I wrote !Kate syntax highlighting for their articles: http://is.gd/dbonj
Jul 1 2010 16:19H00K has uploaded: "Linux New Media article highlighting"
Jul 1 2010 13:30!Jamendo &sim. are basically #fairtrade #music. Odd that you don't see such artists represented in Fair Trade stores.
Jun 30 2010 13:30Mmmmmmmm, sipping my favourite #gunpowder !tea (from Chameu/Camel) and reading mail. Heaven!
Jun 30 2010 00:45Today I had the longest job interview ever — 2,5 h and oddly feeling good after it.
Jun 24 2010 20:00♻ @glynmoody: Leak: #EU pushes for criminalizing non-commercial usages in #ACTA - http://bit.ly/bBScYJ mixes | Craaaaazy! O_o !FSFE

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