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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Jul 26 2010 23:30Software #patents fall in New Zealand! :D Congratulations!!! #swpat #NZ #fs: http://is.gd/dKHOz → !FSFE
Jul 26 2010 13:45♻ @glynmoody: Why #opensource doesn't always mean open on smartphones - http://bit.ly/aRTlKG good analysis (via @wtem) #mobile → !FSFE
Jul 26 2010 10:16♻ @glynmoody: The Sad State of #FOSS in #Android tablets - http://bit.ly/9bJY0A good work about an unsatisfactory situation → !FSFE
Jul 26 2010 00:45After half a day of using !rekonq it reminds me of early #Firefox (then called Phoenix) — somewhat clunky, but sleek and with potential.
Jul 25 2010 21:30Bloody need my cuppa gunpowder !tea right now ...
Jul 25 2010 21:00How do you make those custom themed profile pages in identi.ca? I want one too :] #identica #statusnet #help
Jul 25 2010 20:00Could !Rekonq implement something similar to #Tabcandy? http://is.gd/dHvu3
Jul 25 2010 18:45Trying out !rekonq. Will use it for a few days to see if I could replace it for #Konqueror. First impression: Some +, some -. Will see ;)
Jul 25 2010 14:00Commodore #Amiga died because of potentially the most stupid software #patent ever: http://bit.ly/a0eU2D (via @glynmoody @rupertg); #swpats
Jul 25 2010 13:00#WiFi encrpytion WPA2 has a man-in-the-middle #security hole in its GTK protocol: http://is.gd/dGwZ2 (via @glynmoody)
Jul 24 2010 22:45Great #postpunk #darkwave #rock !ccmusic from !Jamendo → Plug&Play: http://is.gd/dEPGU
Jul 24 2010 22:30Great analysis why the NC (non-commercial) clause in !CC does way more harm then good: http://is.gd/dEOpF #copyleft (via @glynmoody I think)
Jul 24 2010 12:00Wow! Solar-powered #Sheeva Plug — great !plugcomputing #hack! http://is.gd/dEml4 → add #WiFi and you've got a perfect protable server! :D
Jul 24 2010 12:00Can anyone suggest a good #plugcomputer and an #ARM #GNU #Linux #distro? I'd really like to get into !plugcomputing someday soon :]
Jul 24 2010 00:15There's several social graphs (and FaceBook wants them all): http://is.gd/dDQEF → !GNUSocial, !Diaspora !LibreFM
Jul 23 2010 11:45Sometimes I wish I was 20 in the 60's ...and then I think we're doing the right thing right now and it's just as important. #FOSS #privacy
Jul 22 2010 19:15Stanford Cyberlaw says: #net #neutrality = #privacy = #security = #copyright → all outdated views of same problem http://is.gd/dCjjD
Jul 22 2010 19:15[W,C]ould #EU walk away on #ACTA? Interesting idea. Maybe we should help it become true! http://is.gd/dCjSc ; !FSFE
Jul 22 2010 15:45Does *anyone* use #T9 to enter text on their mobile phones? #mobilephone #stupidity
Jul 22 2010 02:30!FSFE #Fellowship #Slovenia meeting report: http://is.gd/dBmKu
Jul 21 2010 18:01Surveillance vs. moral choice: http://is.gd/dARlb → more food for thought for !Diaspora, !GNUsocial, !ownCloud &al. (via @glynmoody)
Jul 21 2010 14:00♻ @carlopiana: Answer en masse the Qs: http://ur1.ca/0syrg →else we're in for FRAND+royalty standard policy. RD/RT! !FSFE #EU #openstandards
Jul 20 2010 21:00Privacy is part of identity (via @glynmoody) http://is.gd/dzJq8 → important for !GNUSocial, !Diaspora, !ownCloud &al.
Jul 20 2010 17:45(Ashamed to ask) What's a good gratis #antivirus/anti-spyware app for #windows?
Jul 20 2010 10:30Does anyone have #HPLIP with #CUPS working properly (under !Gentoo)?
Jul 20 2010 01:45Let's make "revdep-rebuild" obsolete on !Gentoo → http://is.gd/dyFA5
Jul 19 2010 21:01♻ @carlopiana: @ruiseabra @satipera: #EU Commission to lay down #EIF sw. purchasing guidelines for its 27 MS http://is.gd/dyejY #fs !fsfe
Jul 19 2010 12:00What a wonderful thing it is to come back from a week's vacation and have a barable backlog, nice weather and a nice cuppa tea :]
Jul 19 2010 11:45Since May 2010 all #patents regarding #TrueType bytecode have expired → http://is.gd/dxSkk #swpat !fsfe ; sweet! :D
Jul 16 2010 10:00came back to home port from 10h of #sailing in a day. Half of it by night. Dead tired.

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