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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Aug 3 2010 08:00♻ @flameeyes: #gentoo users, please RT/RD, it's important, DO NOT UPDATE TO PYTHON *_20100801
Aug 2 2010 23:15!FSFE #Fellowship group #Slovenia writes an open letter to the media about the misuse of term "hacker": http://ur1.ca/0zi2r
Aug 2 2010 08:15Jacom Applebaum of #Tor (and partially #WikiLeaks) fame held by FBI at the #US customs: http://ur1.ca/0y1f1
Aug 1 2010 22:45Help #Gnash — the #GNU #Flash player is in dire need! http://ur1.ca/0ysvl → !FSFE !Gentoo
Aug 1 2010 18:15Although I don't think it's good enough for the !Gentoo #screenshot contest, it's a nice sight :3 http://ur1.ca/0yqxn
Aug 1 2010 18:01Can any !Gentoo user suggest a better repalcements for #elogv and #ufed?
Aug 1 2010 18:01Doing my monthy update of !Gentoo. Gotta love #fcron :] ...gotta do something about those licenses though O_o
Aug 1 2010 10:00What do you think about the BBC putting !Discworld novels into film?
Jul 31 2010 22:00ᐅ Orlando Boom (RAC Mix) by Femme Generation on Stereogum Presents... RAC Vol. 1 [Amarok]; → great remix !ccmusic http://ur1.ca/0xzdj
Jul 31 2010 21:45It's been ages since I updated my !OpenHeads emoticon set ...I suppose I'll do something about it in the next few weeks.
Jul 31 2010 21:16Team9 just makes my day — he's a rare #DJ who can make an awesome #mashup from crap pop tracks; great !ccmusic: http://team9.net
Jul 31 2010 18:46How do I access the Status.Net API on a !GNUsocial node? I want to connect via !Choqok
Jul 31 2010 18:15Community fork of #OpenSolaris will be unveiled on illumos.org on 3rd of August. Some seem to have enough of #Oracle.
Jul 31 2010 18:15Good !ccmusic track about #ecology and our future on !jamendo: http://is.gd/dV17k → RD, RT, spread it around!!!
Jul 30 2010 18:45Overview of major changes between #ACTA in April and July 2010: http://is.gd/dTdXh → !StopACTA !FSFE
Jul 30 2010 18:17#MSN/#WML is down again. Why don't people just use #Jabber/#XMPP??
Jul 30 2010 18:17Listening to 24h marathon of !ccmusic on http://www.fishmixx.de (♻ @bgg) → is good #music :]
Jul 30 2010 17:00I'm kinda warming up to !rekonq. Plan to post on my blog its pros and cons from my POV in the next days.
Jul 30 2010 15:00♻ @fontana, @jwildeboer If you talk about open {source,standards,data} only on twitter, you=#fail. Use #identica if you want so → Hear hear!
Jul 30 2010 01:15Happy sysadmin day, everyone :]
Jul 30 2010 00:45♻ @dpic: $250 grand prize for #GNUsocial theme design contest ($50 for three runners up)! www.reddit.com/tb/cv9fm → !FSFE !Gentoo
Jul 29 2010 18:45Egad! My #EUPL article is even mentioned on #OSOR ...didn't see that one coming O_o http://is.gd/dR4gI
Jul 29 2010 18:45#FS and #OpenStandards to make net more interoperable: http://is.gd/dR35v (via @dpic) → good for #FB, better for !GNUSocial !ownCloud etc.
Jul 29 2010 17:15#EUPL — my 2nd ever article in Linux Magazine: http://is.gd/dQVGC
Jul 29 2010 17:15♻ @glynmoody: #Gnash's Funding Plea - http://bit.ly/aPWi5X "So the Gnash team is broke, and has been for most of a year" help needed #flash
Jul 29 2010 11:45♻ @glynmoody: #FOSS installer for Plug Computers: http://bit.ly/c2Zr9J simplifying software deployment for #Linux based !plugcomputing
Jul 29 2010 11:45EPI [Easy Plug computer Installer]: http://is.gd/dQqK9 → could be interesting for deploying !ownCloud !GNUSocial !Diaspora as well.
Jul 28 2010 22:31Interesting #Russian #industrial #gothic #metal # !CCmusic from !Jamendo: http://is.gd/dPj4T → quite an interesting listen.
Jul 28 2010 11:46♻ @fontana: #FOSS Does Not Need "Monetising" - by @webmink http://www.computerworlduk.com/community/blogs/index.cfm?entryid=3092&blogid=41
Jul 28 2010 11:46#Patent granted to #Google for tracking mouse movement in e.g. browser (for profiling): http://is.gd/dOfmG → should be void #swpat, scary

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