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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Aug 13 2010 16:46Just made my #Flattr account. Their ToC and PP don't seem too bad actually. Seen a *lot* worse.
Aug 13 2010 11:00♻ @glynmoody: #Oracle/#Google: the #patents and the implications - http://bit.ly/bYtDxj best quick analysis I've seen so far #swpats
Aug 13 2010 02:30Comparing free software to #organic food → interesting #FS comparison: http://ur1.ca/13p14
Aug 12 2010 22:00My quote of the day → [raw milk] does not test like water with a bit #ffffff color.
Aug 12 2010 20:30It's possible to hack into a car's electronics from 40m awa y: http://ur1.ca/13ml7 → bad #security, no encryption → #fail :P
Aug 12 2010 19:30Fixed my problem with HP Photosmart C4380 not working under !Gentoo → probably a #CUPS + #HPLIP version mismatch: http://ur1.ca/13m66
Aug 12 2010 10:30♻ @guido: Qualification for the EURO 2012 in #Free Software has started http://www.ur1.ca/13cla #euro4fs #fsfe
Aug 11 2010 21:15Fight #spam with spam: http://spampoison.com → mwahahahahaha XD
Aug 11 2010 21:00♻ @glynmoody: French Citizen Beats Government to Trademarking #HADOPI - http://bit.ly/cwYVLe *nice* (via @Coadec) #france; #LOL
Aug 11 2010 16:00Pretty cool #industrial/#electro #metal with female vocals !ccmusic on !jamendo: http://ur1.ca/12v8y
Aug 11 2010 11:01#EU and #US To Discuss Differences Over #ACTA Scope In Bilateral Meeting: http://bit.ly/a18BCD (♻ @glynmoody) → status quo is still foo.
Aug 10 2010 22:30Sipping my bloody well deserved #Darjeeling !tea with lemon (and studying)
Aug 10 2010 22:30First impressions of #Gitorious: nice, seems to work, ToC and PP look surprisingly sane.
Aug 10 2010 20:00♻ @glynmoody: How to Take a Walk - http://bit.ly/cChZbw a lovely little gem of a piece #walking
Aug 10 2010 13:30Made my first #Git commit ...kinda proud of myself :] #shouldbestudying
Aug 10 2010 09:31Just created my 1st project on #Gitorious — the Dashing Freemooina cow → moove over to http://ur1.ca/11saq to check out what it's about ]:3
Aug 10 2010 01:45I wonder: can I make my all #ThinkPad's indicator LEDs turn off and then make them work normal again by a simple switch?
Aug 10 2010 01:15Does !KDE perhaps have a nice #Git client?
Aug 10 2010 00:46Made a short review of my experience with !rekonq: http://ur1.ca/11mw5
Aug 10 2010 00:00How the bloody hell did #WTFPL v2 get to be #GPL compatible?!? O_o → !fsfe #fs !fsf
Aug 9 2010 19:46I wonder what #bollywood thinks of #piracy ...
Aug 8 2010 11:15Hello? Anybody alive on !discworld?
Aug 8 2010 07:16It'd be nice if #EtherPad and #Gobby/#Kobby/#libinfinity could interact with eachother — Alice could use the web- and Bob the desktop-editor
Aug 7 2010 21:00First time using the pneumatic hammer and making a 6 cm deep groove into our ancient walls ...not bad actually ;)
Aug 7 2010 10:16♻ @glynmoody: Marking and Tagging the #PD: Call for Comments - http://bit.ly/cS0Myt "allows works already in public domain to be marked"
Aug 7 2010 00:31Where's the difference between friends and subscribers on identi.ca/#statusnet?
Aug 6 2010 23:30!GNUsocial roadmap is here: http://ur1.ca/10s7w → bit minimalist, but still nice to see :]
Aug 6 2010 21:01Slowly but surely removing myself from any non-free/libre services.
Aug 6 2010 20:00Not much into #rickrolling, but this one's great: http://ur1.ca/10qvn
Aug 6 2010 18:30Media's response to the "Hacker != Cracker" open letter from !FSFE #Fellowship #Slovenia: http://ur1.ca/10q4d

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