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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Aug 23 2010 12:31In #Germany they will have #RFID chips in their personal #ID? WTF?!?
Aug 22 2010 16:15Great !ccmusic on !Jamendo from #Morocco: Mr. Khalid rocks my socks off❣❣❣ http://ur1.ca/17ff3
Aug 21 2010 16:46How secure is !Hurd compared to e.g. a #hardened #Linux kernel? (@arnebab &al.)
Aug 21 2010 13:30♻ @arnebab: Because it’s still not common knowledge: The #Hurd #wiki is served by a Hurd → http://www.bddebian.com/~hurd-web/ #gnu #fs; nice
Aug 20 2010 16:47♻ @fauli: Packages without maintainer in #Gentoo: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/qa/treecleaners/maintainer-needed.xml Help if you can.
Aug 20 2010 15:30Why doesn't !Gentoo Security support #kernel with USE="deblob"? Does #Linux #security depend on binary blobs?! O_o → !GNU !FSFE !FSF
Aug 20 2010 12:45Brilliant variation of a #MontyPython sketch about #Adobe #Flash: http://ur1.ca/16tys
Aug 20 2010 00:01ᐅ Jonay Ft Jasmine Kara - Skydiving by Jonay on Skydiving [Amarok] → !ccmusic from !Jamendo: http://ur1.ca/16nx0
Aug 19 2010 22:46♻ @tante: Today I learned something new in #vim: Mark a textblock and hit g, CTRL-g to get a wordcount. ; nice tip :]
Aug 19 2010 22:16♻ @tante: Ok, now you guys need to flattr me like crazy, bought a new thinkpad ;)
Aug 19 2010 16:30Beh, as soon as I get enough money I'm buying myself a #PlugComputer. My #Drupal install and current host are both foo.
Aug 19 2010 15:46Does at least my #imFlattrd account work? http://imflattrd.com/hook
Aug 19 2010 15:46...I sooooooo need a !PlugComputer and a new #Drupal install :(
Aug 19 2010 13:45Why doesn't the #Flattr button show up in #Konqueror or !rekonq?
Aug 19 2010 13:31♻ @glynmoody: The Real Reason for Germany's Industrial Expansion? [uk] - http://bit.ly/clZGRD absence of #copyright (via @raycorrigan) #de
Aug 17 2010 21:15How modern #patents work explained by Mimi and Eunice: http://ur1.ca/15zyt ; #mimiandeunice
Aug 17 2010 21:00Just for fun #IP: 1) http://ur1.ca/15zu4 2) http://ur1.ca/15zu6 3) http://ur1.ca/15zua 4) http://ur1.ca/15zuc 5) http://ur1.ca/15zuk #LOL
Aug 17 2010 17:31♻ @glynmoody: Why Intellectual Property Rights in Traditional Knowledge Cannot Contribute to Sustainable Development: http://bit.ly/czjAX1
Aug 16 2010 18:45♻ @glynmoody: The Insanity Of #Music Licensing: In One Single Graphic - http://bit.ly/92XUT3 classic function creep #copyright → !ccmusic
Aug 16 2010 17:01#Dilbert explains inventing really works: http://ur1.ca/15lt3 → #patents #swpat
Aug 16 2010 16:00http://bit.ly/8X34p8 "If I buy an #ebook today, will I be able to read it in 2040 in Sydney?" (via ♻ @glynmoody) → #openstandards !FSFE
Aug 16 2010 12:00♻ @rejon: Here is a good test web startup punks. Is your app cooler than WGET http://is.gd/ejhKD ? ; I like that test ;)
Aug 16 2010 12:00♻ @carlopiana: Just subscribed to Free Technology Academy group (FTA) http://identi.ca/group/fta ; interesting also for academics in !FSFE?
Aug 15 2010 22:16Hmmm, #LPPL newer then 1.3a has still not been reviewed by !GNU/!FSF, #Debian didn't approve of 1.2, but does of 1.3 though → !FSFE
Aug 15 2010 16:45How I use #FCron to schedule my jobs (including !Gentoo administration): http://ur1.ca/15a5r
Aug 15 2010 01:15In late hours I got the #SSH auth part of my !Fellowship #OpenPGP card working. Wow ...*really* nifty stuff :D
Aug 14 2010 23:00What about if votes on !Gentoo's #Bugzilla were bound with voters' #Flattr accounts? Easy way to support the project.
Aug 14 2010 21:16Celebrating by drinking Vanille Bourbon black !tea from Demmer ...mmmmmmm :]
Aug 14 2010 20:45Mwahahaha, it seems like I *finally* got my nifty !Fellowship #OpenPGP and card reader work with #GnuPG and #KDE in !Gentoo :]
Aug 14 2010 10:45How do I make a Udev rule run a script as a specific normal user? Need in !Gentoo for !Fellowship #OpenPGP card to work.

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