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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Sep 18 2010 14:45Happy Software Freedom Day everyone! #SDF2010 is today → softwarefreedomday.org
Sep 17 2010 18:46Why you shouldn't use non-trusted (e.g. Google, AIM, MSN, ICQ) chat servers: http://gawker.com/5637234 ; big #privacy #fail → !FSFE
Sep 17 2010 18:46♻ @bkuhn: !Diaspora may switch to #GPL to "help w/ contributions";assignment allows exclusive relicensing control to any FSF-appr. license.
Sep 17 2010 18:46♻ @teddks, @bkuhn #Diaspora developer responded to me. Claims main reason for © assignment is they are considering abandoning #AGPL. #WTF?!
Sep 17 2010 16:45!Diaspora on #OpenSpora looks to be working better now.
Sep 17 2010 16:01Made some #ayran with cucumbers and cumin. Was pretty good :] Now for some !studteaing for the uni with Earl Gray.
Sep 17 2010 15:31♻ @tante: @madgoldfish: If the "flag" button would automatically block, things would be fine #identi.ca; +1
Sep 17 2010 10:30Has !Jamendo just killed direct downloading of albums via API or is it a temporary bug?
Sep 17 2010 10:00♻ @carlopiana: strictly speaking, having a CA doesn't mean → #Open_core. Though it's suspicious and sec.4 is BAD omen. I'd not sign it.
Sep 17 2010 09:46♻ @gazbook: WARNING! #diaspora demanding full copyright control and a broad patent grant http://ur1.ca/1nc78 #fail → !fsfe
Sep 16 2010 21:31Has the !GnuSocial demo server social.silentnumber.me gone offline? If so, mattl.co.uk now its successor?
Sep 16 2010 17:31♻ @jwildeboer @schestowitz: @NeelieKroesEU please open a mirror account in identi.ca so that #FOSS proponents can follow you.
Sep 16 2010 07:30Did you use the right ID? I mistyped the first one → you should use hook@openspora.com (BTW, I added you now)
Sep 16 2010 07:30Dragging a friend request in an aspect in !Diaspora doesn't work in #Konqueror; works, but kills !Rekonq; works in #IceCat/#Firefox though.
Sep 15 2010 23:30Will there be an open demo server available to join and test when alpha of !Diaspora is released? → !joindiaspora
Sep 15 2010 23:15Remembering numbers of #EU directives by heart takes out the !tea fun out !studteaing :\
Sep 15 2010 20:00♻ @karsten: How to read a #patent in 60 seconds http://ur1.ca/1msfr Useful + very funny #swpat
Sep 15 2010 20:00RT @fsfe we just crossed the line of the 700 submissions on !fsfe's #pdfreaders campaign ! http://l.fsfe.org/pdfr
Sep 15 2010 20:00!Studteaing social security #law with a nice decent cuppa Earl Gray !tea (Taylors of Harrogate) :]
Sep 15 2010 19:32♻ @glynmoody: Help us to prevent Internet filters in Europe! - http://bit.ly/dsmNPi a real danger #censorship #eu → !FSFE
Sep 14 2010 22:15♻ @ericphutchins: One of the reasons I like #hurd is, being a #GNU project, it doesn't have the problems with non-free blobs like #Linux
Sep 14 2010 18:45Got my #HPLIP+#CUPS+#WiFi+#Avahi problem sorted... /me feels stupid → ur1.ca/1mgks
Sep 13 2010 18:45Idea for !Choqok → adding an option to (individual) #spam filters to flag the user who posted it.
Sep 13 2010 18:31ᐅ Give me back the night by team9 on Ministry of Sound Chilled Radio [Amarok] → Yeah, boogie to 'lil #MJ !ccmusic ur1.ca/1m0tv
Sep 13 2010 17:01#Google Code now accepts all #OSI-approved #FOSS licenses (including #AGPL): ur1.ca/1lzjs → good step forward!
Sep 13 2010 16:30RT @karsten ♻ @fsfe: Help us stop governments from advertising proprietary software! Sign the #pdfreaders petition at http://ur1.ca/1ls1a
Sep 12 2010 18:45Building upon _traditional_ knowledge is "bio-piracy" and should be prohibited by #copyright? #WTF? ur1.ca/1lf9l
Sep 12 2010 16:30♻ @royhugo: #html5 bouncy google balls http://is.gd/f6ZmE → Funky #HTML5 demo. Who needs #Flash anyway :P
Sep 12 2010 16:30Blech, honey+lemongrass+#gunpowder !tea is not a great combo :P
Sep 12 2010 16:15!studteaing labour law (yea, it's getting old :P) with crappy #gunpowder !tea tweaked with lemongrass and honey.

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