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Name:Aaron Seigo
company / project:KDE
Country:Calgary, Canada
Email:Contact aseigo
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:
Registered:May 28 2002
Last visit:Oct 29 2013

Aug 6 2010 06:45after my afternoon/evening hacking, DataEngines in JavaScript can now also expose Services. just async Jobs left, and we're done.
Aug 6 2010 02:30why is "Wo ist der Eisman" is today's Plasmoid of the Day? it's cool that such region-specific plasmoids are made http://tinyurl.com/33xn7x4
Aug 6 2010 02:30"Wo ist der Eisman" tickles my fancy. and i don't even live in Ilmenau. hell, i've never even been there.
Aug 6 2010 02:30but their ice cream truck man is trackable via the internet. awesome.
Aug 5 2010 21:46boo-yah! first javascript addon for a plasma addon written in javascript is functional: http://pastebin.com/R4fHdKGm time to document it.
Aug 5 2010 21:46in case you're curious: first working addon was a flickr photo fetcher for the Plasma MediaCenter media DataEngine, itself written in JS.
Aug 5 2010 02:30more plasma javascript, plasma mobile
Aug 4 2010 18:45recording floss weekly right now with randall schwartz and the Riak guys ... fun fun.
Aug 4 2010 18:45http://twit.tv/FLOSS
Aug 4 2010 18:15KDE release day for 4.5.0 delayed
Aug 4 2010 17:32the upcoming KDE software compilation release has been delayed due to critical fixes post-rc3 that didn't make it in the original 4.5.0 tag
Aug 4 2010 17:32so another week for our users to wait, but in trade they get a better product. :)
Aug 4 2010 03:30yay.. one less bug for 4.5.1 and one more corner case taken care of in liblplasma for 4.6 ... always a good feeling :)
Aug 4 2010 00:00how to get more people wikiing?
Aug 3 2010 18:01will be co-hosting F/LOSS Weekly tomorrow as well where we'll be talking about riak http://www.basho.com/Riak.html
Aug 3 2010 17:45have a visitor today: Aaron P. from Washington state is coming up so we can hack on things. fun!
Aug 3 2010 08:45holy crap. with the upgrade to opensuse 11.3, my laptop's touchpad now has two-finger-scrolling. win!
Aug 2 2010 23:30Start a release part for the upcoming KDE Release Day: http://community.kde.org/Promo/ReleaseParties/4.5
Aug 2 2010 21:16Plasmoid of the Day: Public Transit http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/PublicTransport?content=106175
Aug 2 2010 21:16open streetmap win! http://blog.mapquest.com/2010/07/09/mapquest-opens-up/ maybe google should do no mapping evil, too?
Aug 2 2010 20:15ok, he does! Mark apologizes for his on-stage faux pas: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/439#comment-329657
Aug 2 2010 20:15that is called a 'class act'
Aug 2 2010 11:30it lets you change the visual SVG desktop theme using javascript :)
Aug 2 2010 02:45in case you missed it ...
Aug 2 2010 02:15new !kde !plasma desktop scripting trick: print(theme); theme = 'oxygen'; print(theme) .. took under 5 minutes to implement. i <3 Qt/KDE.
Aug 2 2010 01:30writing a plasma shell
Jul 31 2010 23:30whew! move from http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma to http://community.kde.org/Plasma is complete!
Jul 31 2010 23:00Plasmoid of the Day: Magic Folder! Let it be your personal administrative assistant and sort your files for you. http://tinyurl.com/29w8uno
Jul 31 2010 22:15RT @tomalbers Created a first draft on a schedule for launching the KDE git infrastructure. Exciting times ahead!
Jul 31 2010 21:45RT @afiestas I don't know from who the idea comes from, but contratulations! community.kde.org was a missing piece in our community !kde

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