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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Oct 1 2010 23:15If I was still working in #Cyberpipe, I'd be playing Vermillia !ccmusic from !Jamendo; it'd fit in nicely :] → ur1.ca/1w7ix
Oct 1 2010 22:30!FSFE #Fellowship #Slovenia monthly meeting → 2010-10-05 at 20:00 in #Kiberpipa
Sep 27 2010 23:00♻ @timberners_lee No person shall be deprived of ability to connect to others without due process of law, with presumption of innocence
Sep 27 2010 10:00♻ @glynmoody: IPRED2 pulled - http://bit.ly/bPIzjN because now there's something much worse: #ACTA #IPRED #EU → !FSFE
Sep 25 2010 16:30Any suggestion which #NES and #SNES emulators are best (e.g. on !Gentoo)?
Sep 25 2010 14:45♻ @glynmoody: #Sharing is legitimate - http://bit.ly/cN8zMM great piece; #copyright → !ccmusic !fsfe
Sep 25 2010 14:31What we can learn from the #Gallo fiasco: ur1.ca/1rpnt → !FSFE
Sep 25 2010 13:00Hmmm, it'd be nice to have a #YouTube→#TinyOgg converter plugin in !Choqok
Sep 25 2010 09:30Caution: some suspicious spam "from LinkedIn" has lately being sent to @gentoo.org e-mails and aliases → !Gentoo
Sep 24 2010 23:15♻ @karsten: Just submitted p2p cloud (http://blogs.fsfe.org/gerloff/?p=391) as a #BigIdea with the European Commission → !owncloud, check it
Sep 24 2010 22:15Does !Gentoo #Portage check for #GPG signatures of the sources before unpacking?
Sep 24 2010 22:00#FS actually combines the best of capitalism and socialism, while proprietary SW is authoritarian: ur1.ca/09zvs → !FSFE
Sep 24 2010 20:00!FSFE sooooo needs #EtherPad on its servers ...of course, when the admins have time to spare.
Sep 24 2010 19:45The WIP agenda for the first *regular* *monthly* meeting of the !FSFE Fellowship group #Slovenia is online: titanpad.com/Qpor67UcFS
Sep 24 2010 18:00♻ @tante: Just a quick update: Yes, #diaspora is really not better than "your first programming project" http://is.gd/foJUg
Sep 24 2010 18:00♻ @lmarcetic: For #FreedomBox enthusiasts et al.: Upcoming wireless tech covers an 80km radius, regardless of obstacles: http://ur1.ca/1r4v1
Sep 24 2010 18:00♻ @glynmoody: #ACTA to meet Sept 23: Locking out civil society? → bit.ly/dzLf0h why would they want the *little* people to interfere?
Sep 23 2010 14:00Damn, Gallo report was adopted by the #EU #EP → ur1.ca/1qld8 → !FSFE
Sep 23 2010 13:30Why I listen to !ccmusic → because the joy of discovery! ur1.ca/1qzhl (@ !jamendo)
Sep 22 2010 23:31Calling all #Slovenian !FSFE fellows and other free software enthusiasts to participate in writing letter to politicians: http://nd.gd/4t
Sep 22 2010 23:31Using #EtherPad to write a (draft) letter to politicians about their position on #FS and #OpenStandards before the local elections in #SI.
Sep 22 2010 21:01RT @carlopiana ♺ @glynmoody: < 1% of EU patents account for ~ 50%/overall patent value - http://bit.ly/bE0UYg "vast majority of patents ...
Sep 21 2010 22:00♻ @glynmoody: Gallo report petition using fake signatures? - http://bit.ly/dypCum that would be foolish... #gallo → if true; #WTF
Sep 21 2010 22:00!studteaing with my forelast cuppa Lotus (green) !tea ...damn, it's not easy to get that one :\
Sep 21 2010 20:15♻ @glynmoody: Not Just #ACTA: Stop the #Gallo Report - http://bit.ly/bEX6XA important: EU people, please contact MEPs and RT/RD
Sep 19 2010 18:45Just tried !Cherokee and it seems as a quite nice, small, yet powerful and userfriendly #webserver :]
Sep 19 2010 15:00(#brainfart) Hmmm, if multi-core CPU's are optimised for monolithic kernels, wouldn't a !Hurd port to #ARM then make sense?
Sep 18 2010 22:46Would it make sense to run #Cherokee webserver on a !Freedombox?
Sep 18 2010 21:45RT @arnebab Month of the !Hurd 2010-08 → http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/news/2010-08-31.html ⇒ “Media Appearances, #procfs, #Arch Hurd”
Sep 18 2010 16:45Is anyone here running !DDWRT on an Linksys #wrt160nl (except for me)?

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