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Name:Aaron Seigo
company / project:KDE
Country:Calgary, Canada
Email:Contact aseigo
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:
Registered:May 28 2002
Last visit:Oct 29 2013

Aug 13 2010 17:00oh well, no time to deal with that today; flying out in 7 hours, need to finish up presentation slides for tomorrow
Aug 13 2010 17:00gnome mailing list moderator fail? looks like it :/
Aug 13 2010 17:00according to desktop-devel-list@gnome.org archives, my email (which arrived on k-c-d) about org.freedekstop usage in dbus never made it
Aug 12 2010 21:15making writing documentation ... enjoyable?
Aug 12 2010 21:15kpresenter templates, foss/lc and other things
Aug 12 2010 20:15RT @kubuntunetbook !Kubuntu !Netbook with !KDE 4.5.0 is available in !Ubuntu Maverick.
Aug 12 2010 17:00RT @tmcguire @aseigo, @eothred: A fix has been backported, KMail in KDE 4.4.5 uses Akonadi for autocompletion of addresses.
Aug 12 2010 16:45erg.. 7:42 am. too early to be up. car's in the shop getting serviced, tidied house, now to work .. have only a few hours this morning ..
Aug 12 2010 16:45mother is flying in today .. first time in ~6 years we've seen each other; she's never met her grandson before. will be interesting.
Aug 11 2010 09:30wooohoo! writing a Plasma shell is finallyd documented: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/ShellDesign
Aug 11 2010 08:00and as a side effect, when the topic _is_ gender related, it becomes a lot more comfortable due to lack of unrelated baggage.
Aug 11 2010 08:00when we start seeing people as people when the context isn't gender related (e.g. "computing"), then things automatically get on track.
Aug 11 2010 08:00"some of my best friends are black!" or "i know some gay people" ... meh ... the problem remains until we stop emphasizing the differences.
Aug 11 2010 08:00when i hear the "i know women who are good at computers" in response to the stop-sexism memes i can't help but think of these other phrases:
Aug 11 2010 06:45tomorrow is a writing day: i have some forms to fill out, but then i have three sets of slides to bang out, + one set of interview questions
Aug 11 2010 06:45hopefully i can bring myself to ignore 4.5.0 bug reports tomorrow (ripped through today's batch already) ... no rest for the wicked :) ...
Aug 11 2010 06:45reading through the dentica traffic, glad to see so many people lovin' the 4.5.0 release
Aug 10 2010 18:00KDE Release Day is upon us .. new versions of the Platform, Workspaces and Application modules are in the wild. viva la 4.5!
Aug 9 2010 23:16i hate to say this, but wikis nearly make writing documentation ... dare i say it? *gasp* enjoyable! go userbase.kde.org! :)
Aug 7 2010 10:30great night of board games with friends. much laughter, much losing for me at Catan. but pure fun.
Aug 7 2010 02:45Javascript DataEngines Get Services
Aug 7 2010 01:31woo! JavaScript DataEngine Service support is done! need API feedback.
Aug 6 2010 23:15quick wiki experiment update
Aug 6 2010 22:45what is it about "Seigo" that prompts people to say "Sergio"? "Say-go", "Sea-ay-go", "Sea-go", sure. but where do they get an 'R' from?! gah
Aug 6 2010 22:45RT @boudewijnrempt !Krita trunk is looking cooler by the (two) week(s): http://2tu.us/2jqr . Check out the cool artwork and the cool cod ...
Aug 6 2010 22:45RT @islington @aseigo Its impressive how far !plasma and !kde will bend to fit with my workflow: http://bit.ly/anqOHO
Aug 6 2010 22:30Plasmoid of the Day: Something a little more technical today! Socket Sentry http://tinyurl.com/3y64ps7
Aug 6 2010 19:45copyright assignments of the third kind
Aug 6 2010 09:30Montel's found plasma media center ... the standard stream of Montel "fix all kinds of stuff" commits has commenced :) love that guy.
Aug 6 2010 09:00KDE wikis want you

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