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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Oct 10 2010 21:15Why doesn't click-dragging links from !Choqok work? It's a quite annoying non-feature.
Oct 10 2010 17:00Why does !Vim when using 256 colour schemes fill the background colour even if the terminal is set to transparent background?
Oct 9 2010 22:30H00K voted content "Nature (multires)" down
Oct 9 2010 19:45What *REALLY* bothers be about !Jamendo is that most artists don't bother tagging their albums for genres!
Oct 9 2010 18:30♻ @glynmoody: CBC decision highlights #CC drawbacks - bit.ly/9gZuog & shows that #GPL got it right: no restrictions #licensing; told ya!
Oct 9 2010 17:45Mmmmmmmmmmmm, oooooooooh, aaaaaaaaaaah, Darjeeling !tea. I have the best girlfriend in the world! :D
Oct 9 2010 16:15Hmm, if someone would remix Binärpilot's tracks, add breakbeat and extra power, it could easily compete with Prodigy; !CCmusic, !Jamendo
Oct 9 2010 16:15Say what you want, but Binärpilot is awesome! IMHO one of the best #chiptune out there → ur1.ca/20mk6 ; !Jamendo !CCmusic
Oct 9 2010 15:30#Patents reward inventions? Read how a Nobel laureate knows better bit.ly/9JxtQr (and HE has a breakthrough!) (♻ @carlopiana @janhushar)
Oct 8 2010 23:15♻ @royhugo: by @osamak http://is.gd/fRRkq بريدي موقع و(إن طلبت) فهو معمى
Oct 8 2010 20:16According to all the spam going to @gentoo.org mail alisases, !Gentoo is a pretty sexy guy ;)
Oct 8 2010 20:16Damn, I need to read less ...it's still eating up a majority of my daily time :\
Oct 8 2010 14:15Mark Zuckerwalker → Darth Zucker #comic ur1.ca/20a8t
Oct 7 2010 23:15I'm thinking of migrating my GF's box from #OpenSuse to either #Sabayon or #Arch. Any thoughts there, !Gentoo users?
Oct 7 2010 15:00♻ @glynmoody: #EU #ACTA briefing: Wi-Fi turned off to stop "le quadrature & wikileaks from getting messages from meeting"; transparancy fail
Oct 7 2010 14:30#US plans to surveill even more money traffic from #EU then negotiated under the #SWIFT agreement: ur1.ca/1zxon ; That's whack! O_o
Oct 7 2010 13:30Since when and why doesn't #wget get forwarded the right filename from !Jamendo? #bug
Oct 7 2010 11:15More #3dprinting goodness — troubled hermit crabs get printed new homes: ur1.ca/1zvf9 ; How cool is that!? :D
Oct 7 2010 11:00Printing "vinyls"/LPs from home being made possible! :D ur1.ca/1zvcy (via ♻ @glynmoody) #3dprinters #music.
Oct 7 2010 11:00♻ @glynmoody: Final #ACTA puts #EU under more pressure for graduated response - http://bit.ly/aIkUmI European Parliament, we need you!
Oct 6 2010 23:31Mr Khalid is not available on !Jamendo anymore :( Thankfully I have all his albums already.
Oct 6 2010 21:45♻ @glynmoody: Council of Europe Commits To Network Neutrality On The Internet — bit.ly/bZREyV v. nice #netneutrality (via @jmcesteves)
Oct 6 2010 10:30Using tabbed windows to group tabbed browsers makes my workflow more organised :3
Oct 5 2010 20:30!FSFE #Fellowship #Slovenia meeting live minutes: http://titanpad.com/Qpor67UcFS
Oct 5 2010 15:01♻ @glynmoody: ACTA: No More Negotiating Rounds Planned; Latest Text To Be Released - http://bit.ly/co8NPp bizarre situation #acta
Oct 5 2010 01:15Egad! My spam filter went berserk, now I have to fight with massive backlog!
Oct 4 2010 23:01Blast, didn't get the job I wanted ...they'd take me, but their rooster is full :\ /me is poor now
Oct 3 2010 01:45!Hurd website/wiki doesn't have the background colour set — looks messy when using dark colorschemes; #bug
Oct 3 2010 01:16♻ @glynmoody: No Deal on #ACTA: Japan Round Ends Without Agreement - http://bit.ly/cJIDWg we live to fight again, but it's getting close
Oct 1 2010 23:31Since when doesn't grouping windows in tags work in #KWin anymore when using QtCurve? O_o

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