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supporter public
open-slx GmbH
Name:Sascha Manns (m)
company / project:open-slx GmbH
Birthday:Oct 1 1979
Job status:working
Country:Mayen, Germany
Google Maps
books, pc games
Don't likes:
OpenSUSE, Programming Languages
German, English and a little bit Russian
Programming languages:
a little bit C and C++
Favourite quote:
Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t panic
Favourite music:
Gothic, Metal, Grunge, Jazz
Favourite tv shows:
X-Files, Star Trek (Cpt. Picard), Simpsons
Favourite movies:
Equilibrium, Lord of the Rings, Star Ware, Star Trek
Favourite books:
Bible, Shakespeare, Arthur Conan Doyle, Poe. Lee Child
Favourite games:
Regnum, Planeshift, Uplink, Shadowgrounds
About me:
I am working as Community & Support Agent by open-slx.
Email:Contact saigkill
Messenger:ICQ 173607000
Messenger 2:Skype schurik0815
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:saigkill
GPG Key:public GPG key
Registered:May 18 2009
Last visit:Oct 30 2013
My PC:
AMD Athlon X2, x86_64
Operating System:
Balsam Professional 12.1

Social Desktop Contest
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openSUSE - german user
KDE 4.2... a good alternative
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openSUSE Users
Linux Gamers

Feb 1 2011 18:30Poll for our Weekly News Translators
Jan 29 2011 20:45openSUSE Weekly News, Issue 160 is out
Jan 27 2011 11:31How to set up my Blog to the Creative Commons License
Jan 26 2011 19:21saigkill posted a comment "Re: not able to start calibre"
Jan 25 2011 11:30New/Updated Applications
Jan 25 2011 11:30Neue/Aktualisierte Applikationen
Jan 24 2011 18:47openSUSE Weekly News Poll
Jan 23 2011 19:14saigkill has updated: "calibre (for openSUSE)"
Jan 23 2011 18:37saigkill has updated: "bleachbit (for openSUSE)"
Jan 17 2011 23:15Neue openSUSE Community Plattform geht online
Jan 16 2011 16:00saigkill voted content "glowglass (aurorae)" up
Jan 8 2011 14:15Auf zu neuen Ufern
Jan 7 2011 18:00HowTo contributing the openSUSE Weekly News
Jan 3 2011 21:15saigkill has updated: "bleachbit (for openSUSE)"
Dec 23 2010 16:43saigkill has updated the profile photo.
Dec 20 2010 23:20saigkill has updated the profile page.
Dec 18 2010 21:46updated !TeXmacs to version for !openSUSE.
Dec 18 2010 14:15Updated !bleachbit for !opensuse to v0.8.4. Available in openSUSE:Factory:Contrib Repository.
Dec 17 2010 19:16Want to share a (Blog)Post or other for tomorrows !opensuse Weekly News? Just send a Mail to saigkill@opensuse.org or via direct dent.
Dec 13 2010 20:45saigkill has updated: "bleachbit (for openSUSE)"
Nov 27 2010 19:36saigkill has updated: "calibre (for openSUSE)"
Nov 26 2010 00:30New Rubrique in the openSUSE Weekly News
Nov 26 2010 00:01!opensuse Weekly News: Tell us about you, and why you've started using SUSE Linux / openSUSE. URL: http://bit.ly/eHo8Or
Nov 24 2010 16:45New site for submitting news to the openSUSE Weekly News
Nov 24 2010 11:45saigkill and savar are now friends.
Nov 22 2010 21:45saigkill posted a comment "Re: Stop copying files over, plz!"
Nov 21 2010 20:28saigkill has updated: "openSUSE medical"
Nov 21 2010 20:26saigkill has uploaded: "openSUSE medical"
Nov 20 2010 13:46added calibre for openSUSE
Nov 20 2010 13:45saigkill has uploaded: "calibre (for openSUSE)"

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