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Name:Matija Šuklje (m)
Birthday:Nov 9 1983
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Email:Contact H00K
Messenger:Jabber matija.suklje@gabbler.org
Internet Relay Chat (irc):Nick:silver_hook
Registered:Nov 30 2002
Last visit:Mar 30 2016

Nov 12 2010 17:46Any #ACTA or otherwise #NetNeutrality related questions and comments welcome → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 17:46Skype problems round table ;) → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 17:46In Cyberpipe at round table about #EU and net neutrality (two MEPs here on video conference) → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 17:46Join into the debate NOW "Is Internet becoming the most powerful force in the European Union?": http://ur1.ca/2bzn3 → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 15:46Would anyone from the UK make me a small favour? I just want a mag that's sold only there.
Nov 12 2010 15:16Today should be "Turing/Berners-Lee" Day — an important day for computers and #web! http://bit.ly/a2PRMX (via ♻ @glynmoody)
Nov 12 2010 15:16Just submitting the letters to #Slovenian gov. agencies concerning the #PDFreaders project → !FSFE
Nov 12 2010 10:46♻ @kirschner: Although from 1994 still one of the best articles about #swpat out there http://ur1.ca/2bvki #fs
Nov 11 2010 23:30RT @glynmoody How I make sure my art doesn’t get ripped off on the Internet - http://bit.ly/9sV8a2 "An open source world is the one we’v ...
Nov 11 2010 21:31RT @glynmoody TSA's new book for kids: "My First Cavity Search" - http://bit.ly/dqnH7m too good, too good #tsa
Nov 11 2010 16:46Video of speech of #LaQuadrature at the EU net #neutrality summit: http://ur1.ca/2bldg #privacy
Nov 11 2010 16:15MEP's ask for public feedback on #ACTA: https://actamotion.co-ment.com/text/LbtpIg2HWfs/view/ !stopACTA
Nov 10 2010 20:30#EDRi response to European Commission E-Commerce Directive Consultation: http://www.edri.org/node/2443
Nov 10 2010 20:30!Studteaing some more transport law with ginger green !tea.
Nov 10 2010 20:00RT @carlopiana ♺ @ccbuhr: Explained @NeelieKroesEU's #digitalagenda for Europe at #ITAPA conference http://ow.ly/36qnP in Bratislava thi ...
Nov 10 2010 20:00RT @glynmoody Microsoft Demonstrates why FRAND Licensing is a Sham - http://bit.ly/cZDf7J 'cos it isn't necessarily "fair" or "reasonabl ...
Nov 9 2010 20:16#geekfact → Today I'm 3³ years old :)
Nov 9 2010 16:31Hehe, getting your thesis proposal approved is quite a nice birthday gift :)
Nov 9 2010 16:17My thesis proposal "#ACTA vs. #IPR and #privacy" just got officially approved! :D
Nov 9 2010 14:30RT @glynmoody Latest ACTA leaks: EU boasts of 'innovative' Internet enforcement - http://bit.ly/9j4M0q ISP liability, here we come #acta ...
Nov 8 2010 23:17RT @glynmoody Leak: How EU prepares next #ACTA “technical round” - http://bit.ly/aX0NVG sausage-making laid bare: horrible
Nov 8 2010 18:32Upgrading #DD-WRT and setting up some basic QoS feels like my home network flies :]
Nov 8 2010 17:18♫ Top Of The Hill by Jamison Young on Shifting Sands Of A Blue Car → some kick-ass !ccmusic
Nov 8 2010 16:31RT @glynmoody Against Intellectual Monopoly - http://bit.ly/1VI5wg fantastic (free) ebook that explains why we don't need #copyright and ...
Nov 8 2010 00:31Funny fact: Wiggio (a social net./groupware solution) doesn't support non-ASCII characters — sooooo 1980's ✟☻
Nov 7 2010 13:45RT @karsten @glynmoody at #FSCONS: Copyright was invented to encourage learning. Was created in a world of scarcity. Today we live in cr ...
Nov 7 2010 13:31!Studteaing transport law. Mmmmmm, heavenly ruby-coloured Darjeeling !tea :]
Nov 7 2010 13:31RT @karsten @glynmoody "IP" term is clever rebranding of sth bad - monopolies - into sth good - "property" #FSCONS
Nov 7 2010 13:30RT @karsten @glynmoody at #FSCONS: "the origin of patents is piracy"
Nov 7 2010 13:30RT @karsten @glynmoody at #FSCONS: #swpat cost US economy 4bn USD 1996-1999, added value of just 100 million USD. Just serve to secure i ...

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