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Skulls, Wood & Bones
Name:Anup Paudel (m)
company / project:Skulls, Wood & Bones
Birthday:Nov 11 1984
Job status:retired
Country:Pokhara, Nepal
Google Maps
Sleeping, teasing, Playing,drawing, deviation, iconoclast etc
Don't likes:
Back Biters
Tweaking and crashing PC,,Writing Poetry
English, Nepali, Hindi
Programming languages:
None till date, working on it,,
Now familiar with CSS, HTML, PHP etc
Favourite quote:
Other judge you by your achievement but you judge yourselves by your ability
Favourite music:
Punk , Metallic, Jazz, Instrumental
Favourite tv shows:
Friends, Tom & Jerry
Favourite movies:
A beautiful Mind, Diary of Nymphomaniac
Favourite books:
A tale of two cities, Catcher in the rye, The Bet
Favourite games:
About me:
A True Scorpio
I was born too late to live a life that I wish(hippy) but too early for the life I live.
Email:Contact paudelanup
GPG Key:public GPG key
Registered:Nov 2 2011
Last visit:Feb 29 2016
My PC:
Dell Inspiron 1440 2.2Ghz 4GB RAM,
Intel Pentium III 795Mhz 256MB RAM PC,
Operating System:
Windows 7,Windows 8, Windows XP, Ubuntu 12.04, Linux Mint Maya, Chromium OS, Joli OS, Elementary,Arch, Opensuse et cetera,

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Jan 4 2014 07:23paudelanup has updated: "Unity-Greeter Icons"
Jan 3 2014 13:47paudelanup voted content "Zorin OS 6 Core (Awn dock)" down
Dec 28 2013 20:30paudelanup voted content "Faenza" up
Dec 23 2013 09:21paudelanup has uploaded: "Mac-alike Window Buttons"
Dec 18 2013 11:13paudelanup has updated the profile page.
Dec 18 2013 11:11paudelanup voted comment "ZIP" up
Dec 12 2013 09:33paudelanup has uploaded: "Unity-Greeter Icons"
Dec 3 2013 07:40paudelanup has uploaded: "Awesome"
Dec 2 2013 07:49paudelanup posted a comment "Re: Transparent Folder background"
Nov 29 2013 16:37paudelanup posted a comment "Re: thanks"
Nov 29 2013 14:22paudelanup posted a comment "Re: Nice theme thanks."
Nov 29 2013 14:22paudelanup voted comment "Nice theme thanks." up
Nov 29 2013 14:09paudelanup posted a comment "Re: Theme?"
Nov 29 2013 11:54paudelanup has uploaded: "Blue Ubuntu"
Nov 14 2013 05:05paudelanup has uploaded: "Openbox"
Oct 29 2013 13:27paudelanup posted a comment "Got everything back"
Oct 29 2013 10:51paudelanup posted a comment "how to get this on ubuntu 12.04 64bit!!"
Oct 21 2013 13:02paudelanup has uploaded: "Asian Catharsis"
Oct 10 2013 19:31paudelanup posted a comment "A Waste"
Oct 10 2013 19:25paudelanup posted a comment "Hi all"
Oct 10 2013 09:56paudelanup has uploaded: "Asian Catharsis"
Oct 4 2013 06:59paudelanup is now fan of "Space Odyssey Gnome-Shell + Cinnamon"
Oct 4 2013 06:59paudelanup voted content "Space Odyssey Gnome-Shell + Cinnamon" up
Oct 3 2013 12:28paudelanup has uploaded: "Blue-GLX Dock"
Oct 3 2013 07:03paudelanup posted a comment "Beautiful Indeed!!"
Oct 3 2013 05:54paudelanup has uploaded: "Cairo Dock with Gnome-Panel Session"
Oct 2 2013 20:21paudelanup has uploaded: "Green-GLX"
Sep 24 2013 07:42paudelanup is now fan of "DarkMint"
Sep 24 2013 07:34paudelanup has uploaded: "Green Linux"

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Contact paudelanup
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